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'Should I try to go and check it out but risk the risk of drowning? Or should I do that at a later date?'

I stood there for a while thinking about the next course of my action. Sighing I sat down on the moist, cold ground. Trying to remember what time it is right now I stare off into space trying to remember the position of the sun when I snuck out of the house. Giving up I try to recall what time high and low tide is.

'If I do recall, during my previous life high tide was around from 12 AM to 8 AM and 3 PM to 8 PM. Low tide was 8 AM to 3 PM and 8 PM to 12 AM. The longest high and low tide is 12 AM to 8 AM and 8 AM to 3 PM. High lasting 8 hours and low lasting 7.

I always wake up around 8 and today I woke up a bit early so I'll just say 7:30. It took around 10 minutes walking to the tree/cave and I took about 5 to look for things I can use to climb back up then once I got into the cave I wasted a minute or two hyperventilating. By the time I came here the water was already gone, well it's not like the tides run on time, so it was probably gone by 7:50.

That's close to 8 so I guess it's ok. So the time right now should be around 8 to 8:30. I still have enough time to look explore.'

Nodding to my thought I stood up and jumped off of the edge. Landing on a small puddle of water causing it to scatter. Once I was on the ground I get a notification.

[+7 WIS for figuring it out.]

Dismissing the notification I looked down at the other hole I had to jump through. After staring at it for a few seconds I sighed before jumping down it. Five seconds passed before I landed once again with the background music of a splash with my clothes becoming slightly wet.

Looking up I tried my best to estimate the height of the hole. After a few seconds of staring, I decide on four feet something. Shifting my attention to the tunnel, I start wondering how long it is. After standing there for another few seconds I headed into the abyss ahead of me.

After walking for about a minute or two I can proudly say I walked about 50 feet. Well, it could be more but my sense of direction and calculations is messed up since I've been going downhill, if this counts as a hill. As I was walking I realized that I was going uphill now. I start walking or in my case right now, climb.

I climbed the four foot something rock wall while glaring at it with hate. Once I was done climbing it I turned around and flipped it off before going on my merry way. I skipped my way the rest of the way humming my favorite song. As I was at the end of the song I noticed another 4 foot something rock wall. Sighing out of irritation I kick the wall a few times before climbing it. Once I was at the top I saw the ocean.

'I know I said it's probably connected to the sea but I didn't think it was this close.'

Carefully pushing myself up onto the ledge I stared wide-eyed at the ocean. After staring at the ocean for a few moments I look down to see how far I am from the water. Realizing that I'm a good 12 meters above water I start wondering how I should get down.

'Jump and hope that the water's not shallow and there are no sharp rocks that could penetrate me. Cliff climb? I guess I can do that. I'll just hope I won't slip. Ya, that sounds safer than jumping. So on the day I escape I'll bring the raft here, drop it onto the water, then cliff climb my way down and then boat my ass off of this island.'

Nodding to my thought I retreat to the safety of the cave. After getting back to the waterfall I start stretching until I heard a satisfying pop. Looking around I noticed that the fireflies are nowhere to be seen. Dismissing the lack of fireflies as temporary I headed to the entrance of the cave. Once I got to the entrance I concentrate my chakra to the sole of my foot and place my foot on the wall. Repeating the steps I soon get to the top. Pushing myself onto the root I sigh.

'I should look for something that'll substitute as stairs.'

After a few hours of dragging branches, hauling stone and rocks, and building/stabbing/shoving stuff I finally finished building a thing that could pass as stairs. After admiring my work I push and shove all of the excessive things inside of the cave. Sighing I stretched again until I heard a satisfying pop. While stretching my gaze lands on the numerous piles of bones.

'What should I do with those? Bury them or just leave it and not disturb them.'

Mentally debating about what I should do with the pile of bones for a few minutes I decided to bury them. But before I pick any of them up I remember one important thing.

'Where the hell am I supposed to bury them?'

For a few minutes, I stand there thinking about a good place to bury all of these people. Not knowing a good place I decided to just bury them in front of the tree. Carefully picking up one of the bodies I carry it up to the surface and gently set them down before going back to the cave to grab a stick to dig a hole.

For the next hour, I went back and forth. Picking the bones up, digging a hole, putting the bones in, and then filling the hole.

I had one more person left so I picked it up like the other ones and proceeded to carry it to the stairs. As I was going up the makeshift stairs something fell out of the pile of bones. When I turned around to check out what fell out of the pile I find out that it was a scroll.

Deciding it would be best if I pick it up later I walked up the stairs and buried the skeleton. Walking down the stairs I notice writing on the scroll. Once down on the ground, I pick it up to observe the scroll.

'I can't read this damn thing.'

Scowling at the lack of knowledge, I glare at the scroll. While I was glaring at the scroll I remembered that I had a skill called 'Observe'. Scowling again but this time at my idiocy I mutter the commands. A second later a tab pops up above the scroll.

[Summoning scroll - Rare

A scroll that might get you a summon]

I blinked a few times before I smiled. A smile so wide that it will put even the Chesire cat's to shame. Opening the scroll I see illegible symbols and writings. And in the middle of the unreadable writing, there was a thing that represents a drawing. I open the scroll even more and see names upon names that I can't read. At the end of the scroll was the last space for a name.

'Should I sign and try to summon or should I keep it and sell it when I get to the mainland?.. I'll sign it and see what'll come out.'

I bite my thumb and sign my name with blood before touching the other four fingers with my thumb and placing it on the space below.

'So if my memory serves right the hand signs for the summoning Jutsu was Boar → Dog → Bird → Monkey → Ram.'

After swiping my bloody thumb on my left palm I place my left hand onto the ground. Words upon words of writings appear under my hand and the area around it before a white cloud-like mist surrounds the area I am.

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