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Kanna was unusually quiet. For about a minute since she sat down, she hasn't moved. Then she started chuckling. Rumi was sure she was crazy.

"Did you finally go crazy after seeing many bodies?"

"No, but I just realized that I'm an idiot."

She stood up and then cracked her knuckles. Rumi watched her every move. Something was different, but she couldn't put her finger on it.

Sighing, Kanna walked farther into the ally. She did the necessary things to summon a swarm. Once the smoke cleared, there were around thirty butterflies. Rumi was shocked, Kanna usually doesn't do this kind of large-scale summoning especially in the presence of other humans.

"Now, now no need to be shocked. I'm doing this for a reason." Kanna spoke as if she's reading her mind. Which was very Kanna like. "So, do any of you know where Konan went?"

Rumi didn't know any Konan's but she sure it was probably the female with the black cloak.

"To Ukiyo ryokan."


Konan was... tired. She felt as if she's on a wild goose chase. Looking for Kandachi and his group, the people who she is looking for, was more of a task than she thought. And to make it even better she just sensed thirty plus new chakra signatures.

But she ignored the last one. One because she doubts they are here because of her. And second because of the amount of chakra they have.

She just jinxed herself. Not that she knows that she did.

After thanking the staff for their time, she headed back out. Only this time, she wasn't going to another inn, because Tenko had other plans. When Konan stepped out of the inn, she didn't come face to face, but it was close enough. Standing a foot away from her was a little girl.

"Hello, Konan-san. It's an honor to meet you."

Konan eyed the girl. Her pupil-less cerulean eyes stared into her amber ones. Red flags were instantly raised along with her guard. She slightly moved her right hand and as soon as she did some of the chakra signatures moved. Chakra which she recognized as some of the thirty plus ones that suddenly appeared.

"Are you worried about them? If so, then no need to worry! We come in peace."

She stared at her with a blank expression, thinking 'Ya, sure', and wondering if she jinxed herself earlier.

"Putting that aside, can we please speak somewhere more... private?"

Even more red flags were put up.

"Please don't worry about me doing something. I'm merely here to help you find Kandachi and his gang."

Now the biggest red flag in the history of red flags has been raised in her head. Now she's sure, very sure, that this is a trap.

"This is not a trap if that's what your thinking."

Konan stared at the girl with a blank expression and the girl smiled back. She wondered if she can read minds.

"Now, let's go somewhere else. We're probably in the way of the civilians."

She was right, someone was standing behind Konan, probably waiting for her to move so they can get out. Despite her mind telling her not to, she agreed. Without knowing, she helped the girl.


Tenko internally smirked. It was thankful for the perks of being a system. Mind reading, small-scale manipulation, and some other things. Right now, it was one step closer to achieving Kanna's 'goal'. It wished Kanna's summon was spiders instead. Because if it were, then it can say that Konan walked right into its web(Read as trap).

Now, they were standing in the outskirts of the town. The summons flying around as it requested. There was a few seconds of silence before it was suspended up into the air by paper. Its hands, legs, and torso are now restricted. The only visible and moveable thing was it's head.

"Are you sure you should be doing this Konan-san?"

She didn't answer for a few seconds. She merely stared at it as if she was trying to find any signs of fear, deception, and any other things that she may find. But she found none. Of course, she can't find anything. It's impossible for Tenko to feel. It can fake them but it can't feel. After many analyses and research, it knows what it's supposed to feel and do.

But that's not an important matter as of now. Perhaps, in the near future but not now. Now, it's about Konan answering.

"You said that you come in peace... And you, yourself have said that you will not do anything."

Tenko internally smirked once again.

"Oh my, Oh my. Is Konan-san trusting me?"

Another long pause before she answered.

"No, I am confident in my abilities."

"Ah, is that so... Well then, let's go to the reason as to why I wanted to talk to you."


Konan was still skeptical of the girl. She knew nothing of her. No name, no age, no affiliations from what she could see. All she knows is that the thirty plus people surrounding them are working for her, she knows things she isn't supposed to know, and that she doesn't care if she's suspended ten feet above the ground.

But despite this, she needed information on Kandachi and his group. And fake information is better than no information. Who knows, she might be able to catch a group that has a bounty on their head and give them to Kakuzu. That will get him to trust them even more or at least know that what they said was true.

And most importantly, she has a job to do. She'll compete it even if it kills her.

"Tell me..."

Ukiyo – Legit means the floating world. The definition is living in the moment detached from the bothers of life.

Ryokan – Means inn.  

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