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"Before we proceed, I need to make something clear."

Konan didn't know what to think, she had thought about the possibility of there being an utter motive behind this.

"I am not helping you out of the goodness of my heart. I have never and will never have a good heart. But that's not my point.

I have something I have to do, and you happened to be included in it. I need a place to stay this, is why I approached you. Will you help me if I keep on giving your organization information?"

The girl's request was quite hard to say 'yes'. After all, she's not the Akatsuki's leader.

"I am aware that you are not the one in charge, so please think about my... proposal.

Putting that aside, they're in a village that they took over. The name of the village is Genjutsu tree village. It's a village surrounded by a strong magnetic force that affects a person's chakra which results in something similar to Genjutsu. Hence the name of the village. I don't know how strong t"

Konan listened as the girl spat information after information out making her wonder once again if this is a trap or not. If so, then whoever decided to let her do this was a fool. If not, then the girl was a fool for thinking that doing this will help her in any sort of way when she doesn't know the outcome of her actions.

She listened as she spat out even more information out before deciding that it was enough.

"in order to-"

"That's enough."

This made her instantly stop and she slightly moved her head to the side, probably asking why.

"How do I know that this information is not fake." Konan stated.

"Because I never lie."

This was a lie but Konan doesn't know. She doesn't have to know.

Despite her failed attempts earlier, she still tried to see if she was lying or not. Her body language didn't indicate lying, her expression didn't change or become indifferent, she didn't pause, and she blinked. She was also blunt. Like a child... Konan forgot that she was a child.

"Then let's say you are lying, what am I going to do."

"You will kill me, plain and simple."

Konan stared at her. She had to applaud her for her ability to hide her emotions and expressions. Being able to hide one's true self is something that takes years to perfect and this girl in front of her has been able to do it as if it is something simple as breathing.

"I will lead you to where they are and help you defeat them. This way, you will not only be able to keep an eye on me but you will also be able to kill me the second the information I have provided you to be incorrect."

She thought about it and the girl was smarter than she thought. She has already thought about what to do but she hasn't mentioned a single word about the thirty plus people that are working for her.

"Then what about the thirty people that are under you, what shall I do about them. You will be killed after all."

"Can you free my arms?"


Freeing her arms will mean letting her guard down and that was something she wasn't willing to do. She watched as the girl sigh before smiling.

"You guys can show yourselves now."

A few seconds later, Konan saw the most butterflies she has ever seen in one place. One, then two, three, four more. They started flying around them in circles. A truly beautiful sight to see if she wasn't still wondering if she could trust the girl or not.

"As you can see, they are butterflies. My summons to be more specific."

Konan was astonished at her stupidity and the girl's creative way to trick her into thinking that she had many people backing her. She was also amazed that the girl could do a summoning of this scale. She made a mental note to check her surroundings the next time she's in a similar situation.

"They pose no threat if you are wondering. They're only for decoration. Useless if you ask me."

Konan thought otherwise. If summoning them and acting was all it took to trick her, then they aren't useless.

"Useless but pretty to look at."

The girl probably meant to whisper that to herself, but Konan heard it. Loud and clear. Probably because it was quiet around them and the only noise is the faint flapping of the wings the thirty or so butterflies around them are producing.

Konan mentally debated if she should trust her or not. After a few short moments, she decided that the girl doesn't pose a threat to her or the organization. After all, what can a swarm of butterflies and a little girl do?

"I suppose, I can trust your information... Don't let me regret it."

"Thank you for accepting my service. I'll make sure you won't regret it."

With that, Konan let the girl fall. She ungracefully landed on her bottom which resulted in a pout. She dusted herself off before placing her left hand on top of her chest.

"Since we will be working with each other for a little, let me introduce myself. My name is Tsubaki, it's a pleasure working with you Konan-san."

Tsubaki – Camellia. Means love. Ya love, but there's more. It also kinda means death. Noble death to be exact. I don't recommend giving this to sick or injured people because like I said before it kinda means death. How? The way the flower "beheads" it's self before it dies. *This is Japanese meaning; I don't know about western countries.*  

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