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With a sigh, I stop the flow of chakra to the arm. Sitting down, I winced as I move my sore muscles. Deciding that I should take a rest, I lay down. As I stretch, I sigh satisfaction. Once I was sure most of my back cracked or popped, I opened the main menu up to look at my stats. Frowning at my status, I made a mental note to do something about the level cap. Putting that matter aside, I opened the help option.

'Is there a way to level up with out the level cap restricting me?'

[There are two ways to level up with out the level cap restricting you. The first is to get a rank in the ninja society. Genin, Chunin, Jounin, Anbu, or Kage. The first two have another level cap but the last three don't. The second option is to join a group. Akatsuki, Seven ninja swordsmen of the mist, Root, Otogakure, Taka/Hebi or any clans. These groups will not restrict you with level caps.]

'Interesting. I guess including Akatsuki in my plan was a good idea... I've got a question. Why do I have a level cap even if I'm a member of the Kaguya clan?'

[The females of the Kaguya clan are not allowed to become stronger than the males. Since you are still a child you still have the level cap of a child(girl) of the Kaguya clan. Clans that do not have a level cap are the Kurama clan (Kekkei Genkai), the Hatake clan, the Hyuga clan (Main, Kekkei Genkai), the Uzumaki clan, the Uchiha clan (Kekkei Genkai), the Senju clan, the Otsutsuki clan, the Hoshigaki clan, the Karatachi family, th-]

'Ok, ok, I get it. There are a shit ton of clans without level caps and I had to choose one that's sexist and has a level cap.'


'And you're probably laughing your ass off right now.'


'Fuck you.'

[I believe that not possible.]

An irk mark mentally grew on my head while I was throwing profanities at the system. After a few moments of me swearing, I finally calmed down.

'So, I've got another question. What about the people that aren't from a clan? Like Orochimaru, Minato, Zabuza and many more.'

[They have cheats.]

'Are you saying you don't know.'


'...I'm starting to doubt your knowledge on this world.'

[You do not need to doubt my knowledge on this world. The question you asked have the answers restricted so I am not allowed to tell you.]

'You sure?'


The system deadpanned if that was even possible. After cursing profanities, I mentally sighed. 

'Fine, I'll take your word for it. Thanks for the answers.'

With that, I exited the help tab. Then the main menu. Sitting up, I focus my chakra once again to my arm to try to activate the Shikotsumyaku. Recalling what Kimimaro said, I try a different approach. Instead of focusing my chakra to my arm, I focus my chakra to one of my bones. And that bone was the Ulna.

I imagined a hollow bone forming around it. Once I imagined it, I focused my chakra to form around my Ulna. After that, I took deep breaths and focused my chakra to stay there before imagined it grown in length. And I did the same. This time with chakra. Once I did that with my chakra, I imagined it hardening and taking shape. And like the times before, I tried that with my chakra. Once done, I closed my eyes and followed the steps one by one, quicker this time. Moments after I heard a soft 'clank'.

Opening my eyes to see the source of the sound, I was greeted with the sight of a bone laying not far from my arm. Seeing the solid ossein laying on the ground, I almost jumped with joy. But I didn't. Why? Because I saw a screen.

[A pile of bones: Complete

Reward: +100 EXP, +1 level for chakra control, +20 chakra, and +2 Ability points

Unlocked: Kekkei Genkai – Shikotsumyaku]

'Hell ya!'

After mentally celebrating my success, I started to feel tired. I laid back down on the ground, too tired to move. After a few minutes, I try to sit up, but couldn't. Mentally cursing, I look up at my status bar before mentally curse once again. Too tired to move thanks to chakra depletion, I decide to sleep to recover some.

⇴ ⇴ ⇴   

Upon opening my eyes, the first thing I do is check my status bar. Sighing in satisfaction at the result of sleeping for who know how many hours or minutes, I stand up and look up at the sky. Seeing the darkened sky, I sigh once again before running home. Hoping that Hatsu won't be mad at me.

Turns out, she freaked out when I didn't come back home two hours after sundown. I got grounded for a week. 

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