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It has been about thirty minutes since we parted ways with the eight morphos. We walked around looking around for the four things I had the eight were tasked to look for. I was going to save as much chakra as I can, so I don't have to unsummon any of them.

'System, I've been wondering for a while but, what's my strength?'

[Being an idiot.]

'... I'm offended. Very offended.'

[Is that so. I'm very pleased.]

'Has anyone ever told you that you're a little piece of shit?'

[Yes, in fact, host is the first one to tell me.]

'Whatever, can you actually tell me my strength? I'm dying to know.'

[As you wish...

Host's strength is knowledge. Because of host's unique circumstances, host has a vast knowledge of this world and its inhabitants. But due to host's mind's limited capacity to hold information, I have it all stored in my database.]

'Oh, can you transport the information to my mind?'

[... This is why I have previously stated that host is an idiot. Host's MIND has LIMITED CAPACITY to hold INFORMATION. This is why I have it STORED in my database. If I were to transport all of the information to host's mind, it will explode. Figuratively. Do you understand?]

'Ya, I guess when we have time and resources you should copy all of that to paper so I can read it.'

[Dully noted.]

After that, we stopped conversing and I focused on walking. Some time passed and I was becoming bored with the awkwardly long silence so this time, I decided to converse with Rumi.



"Why do you do what I request? You are aware that you are permitted to refuse, yes?"

"I am also questioning myself why I do listen to you. Perhaps it's because you are quite interesting or perhaps it's because I am not aware of what your goal is. You have only summoned us a handful of times leaving us to guess what you really want. It's also quite hard to figure out what you're thinking. I guess that's why we haven't left yet. We want to know what and who you are."

"You don't know what and who I am? That's a quite funny joke, I didn't think I would see the day you will joke."

"I am not joking; I really don't know what and who you are."

"Is that so... Then here's your answer; I don't know. Right now, I am a human called Kanna. For all we know, an hour from now, I can be declared as an imagination. Something that someone's mind made up and is now playing as. It's all a mystery until told otherwise."

"I see..."

"And as for the goal; I also don't know. Right now, I'm just following the plan I thought up."

"What will you do when the plan was to foil?"

"Go back to the time which the plan has yet to be foiled."

"I'm sure you can."

"Why do you sound doubtful!"

"I am not doubting you."

"Yes, you are!"


A couple of days passed since we parted ways. During that time Rumi and I didn't talk much. Only communicated when need. Today we were nearing a small village and from what Rumi has told me there is a group of ninjas fighting nearby.

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