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I skipped through the streets with no care. Why? Because I had my seal on. As I neared where Kimimaro was, I stopped skipping and started walking. With a smirk present on my face, I walked past the many guards that were present. Once I was in front of the guard that was in charge of guarding the cave Kimimaro was in, I stuck my tongue out and presented him with a middle finger that he will never see. 

Probably feeling me flipping him off, he looks around confused before going back to guarding. Smiling, I walk into the cave and head to Kimimaro's cell. Once near the cell, I heard someone crying. Concerned I quickened the pace and hurried over to the cell. Once there, I saw him crying. I quickly tore the seal off and made my presence known.

"Kimi-nii, what's wrong?"

Hearing my voice, he looked up and then proceeded to crawl over to the bars. As he was crawling over, I sat down and made myself conformable. Once in front of the bars, he cried some more before calming down.

"H-Hoka-san t-took the things you gave m-me." He told me as he stuttered. 

"Wha-, how did he find it?"

"He came here when I was reading."

"Then he took it?"

Answering my question with a nod, Kimimaro looked down. Sighing, I started thinking about what to say. After a few minutes, my sane side shrugged along with my insane one. Mentally sighing, I reach into the cell and give Kimimaro a head pat. Looking up, confused at why I'm giving a head pat even though he had his stuff taken away, he tilts his head. Sending him a smile, I retract my hand and then bring it up to my mouth. As I bit my thumb and blood slowly oozed out of the small wound, Kimimaro looked shocked and was about to say something but before a word came out I spoke.

"It's ok. I just want to show you something. Besides, it doesn't hurt."

Hearing what I said, he closed his mouth and watched as I formed the hand signs required for the summoning Jutsu. Placing my hand gently on the ground I waited a few seconds and smoke clouded my and probably Kimimaro's vision. Moments later, the smoke cleared and in front of us was Rumi. Sticking my pointer finger out, I watched Kimimaro stare at Rumi with awe as she flew to my pointer finger and landed on it.

"Kimi-nii, this is Rumi my summon. Rumi, this is my brother Kimimaro."

"H-Hi, Rumi-san." 

He greeted Rumi with an unsure smile before sending me a worried look. Mentally chuckling, I watched as Rumi flew off of my finger and fly around Kimimaro. Seeing the butterfly circle around him, Kimimaro slightly smiled and slowly stuck his pointer finger out. Circling him once more, Rumi landed on his pointer finger and spread her wings, letting Kimimaro have a good look at it.

"Hello Kimimaro, as you already know, I'm Rumi."

Hearing Rumi's voice, Kimimaro flinched before looking at her with confusion. Not getting any answers from staring at her, he turned to me with his gaze full of questions. Chuckling, I stuck my pointer finger out and waited for Rumi to make her way there. Once she was half of the way there, I sent him a smile before explaining why and how she spoke.

"You see, summons can talk making them different then normal animals. Another thing that differentiates them from normal animals is that they can utilize chakra. I don't really know what Rumi and her swarm can do but, I do know that they can do something that involves water." Hearing this, Rumi flapped her wings and then landed on my head instead of my finger.

"You don't know?"

"You never really explained what you and the swarm can and cannot do."

"Then would you like me to tell you?"

"Sure, why not. Kimi-nii can also learn a thing or two from this."

"As Kanna knows and Kimimaro does not, Kanna has water as her main chakra nature. Us water types can fly in the rain and calm waters. Meaning we don't drown. In rough waters we just have a hard time flying."

"Does that mean you can fly in water type attacks?" Kimimaro questioned, truly interested in the topic.

"Yes, we just have a harder time. But that can be solved when we are given more chakra. And since we are on this topic, if we are given more chakra we can turn into dense water filled with chakra. If you cut the supply of chakra to us, we turn back to our original forms."

"So you and your swarm are basically a portable water tank."

"In a way, yes."

"Cool, are you guys drinkable?" 

"Yes, but unless you want your stomach full of butterflies then I advise you not."

"Cool... Where does Hoka get his water supplies? I need to dump Rumi and her swarm in it and then turn them back once they're inside of his immune system. Once they are inside do they melt because of the stomach acid or do will they fill him? Now that I think about it the more he drinks, the more he will have in his immune system. Will he explode or will they spill out? I want to kill him but making him uneasy also sounds great. I need to test out the water converting thing next time I'm free."

Nodding to my supposed thought, I looked up and saw Kimimaro with a horrified look. Tilting my head to the side I gave him a confused look. Sensing my confusion Rumi flew off of my head and flew over to Kimimaro's before answering.

"You just plotted murder out loud."

"I said that out loud?"


Hearing her answer and then seeing Kimimaro nod, I blinked before sending them a probably not any more reinsuring smile. Kimimaro visibly relaxed but still looked worried and Rumi. Well as for her, I don't know.

"Pretend you didn't hear that."

Kimimaro nodded while Rumi probably mentally sighed. 

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