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Quickly, I turned around. Not even bothering to close the notification. I produced a bone and heightened my guard.  

"Check the perimeter, somebody's here." 

Without question, they flew away in different directions. Then I pulled out the seal which contained the three butterflies. And I used my last remaining chakra to open the seal.  

"Stay alert, we might be dealing with someone as strong as Konan-san." 

I started digging around my pouch looking for a pill but when I couldn't find any, I clicked my tongue. Slowly, I walked away from the entrance but still stuck close to the building. I started quickening my pace, not wanting to stay in here any longer. Once near the gate, without looking back, I made a run for it. As I ran, I didn't notice the arm, so I tripped over it.  

Upon impact, I heard a series of poofs. I looked up and sure enough, all of my summons were gone. And seconds later a notification appeared in front of me. 

[Due to Host's dangerously low chakra reserve, all chakra-consuming activities have been ceased.]

"Just my fucking luck." 

Clicking my tongue, I quickly stood up and hurried out of the compound. This time, paying attention to the ground. Once out of the compound, I made a beeline to the Naka River. Not really bothering to keep myself hidden. My only thought was to get far away from Konoha, I don't wanna deal with any leaf ninja anytime soon.  

Once at the cliff, I took a moment to catch my breath and look at my status. I didn't have enough chakra to do anything, which was quite frustrating. But I came up with a plan that has a fifty-fifty chance of working. After sticking the bone between the space of my sash and the pouch I give my status one last look before taking a deep breath. Betting everything I have on my nonexistent luck, I jumped off of the cliff.  

I closed my eyes as I felt the cool air rush past my face. A few seconds into the jump, I opened my eyes and stared as the surface of the river grew closer and closer. Knowing that hitting the water right now will feel like hitting concrete, which will result in more than a broken bone or two, I quickly formed the hand signs for the transformation Jutsu.  

In a puff of smoke, I transformed into a butterfly, and seconds later my transformation was undone. With that, I resumed falling. A few seconds later, I felt the cool water hit the side of my body and unbearable pain in my arm. Moments later, I felt my head hit something and I opened my mouth to yell out in pain but instead of a sound of pain coming out, water rushed into my mouth.  

Panicking, I start moving around. After a few moments, the system clams me down. I immediately close my mouth to prevent water from going into my mouth. I straighten my legs to see if my feet can touch the bottom, and I barely grazed it. Quickly, I start moving towards the direction of land and as my feet gradually can touch the ground, I notice that it's getting increasingly harder to hold my breath. So I panic once again and quicken my pace. Once I was able to keep my head above water, I drank the water in my mouth, not caring what it may have been in it. After another few seconds, I finally got back to land. Falling on my knees, I gasp for air before I start coughing. Now finally feeling the burn of water in the lung. After a minute of coughing, I finally had the opportunity to say what I wanted to for the past few moments. 

"I hate water." 

With a final cough, I stagger onto my feet. I place a hand over my chest and take a few deep breaths before focusing my attention on the other problem I now have. My arm hurts. To be more specific, my shoulder and the area around it. I didn't notice it until I got onto land and fell on my knees, but it hurt. Like a lot. So much that I'm surprised that I didn't notice it until then. But then again, I had other things to worry about.  

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