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Today the system was acting weird. And when I say weird I mean really weird. And to be honest, I didn't know what to say or do, I just went along with the system. When your usually shitty system tells you to hightail your ass out of your house you should do it. Especially if it's being extra nice and friendly with you. 

So currently I'm at a different forest than usual wondering why the hell we changed locations. I stood in the middle of a clearing with question marks floating above my head until I heard the quest notification go off. I opened the main menu then the quest option and when I did I understood why I was told to move locations.

[She is free...

Objective: Build a raft

Quest reward: +200 EXP, +5 on all stats, and unlocks world map

Quest failure: +10 relations for Kimimaro and Hatsu, and possible death

Time limit: 3 years, 1 month, and 7 days]

The last one for the quest failure made me somewhat motivated. Because who wants to die young. But putting that thought aside I looked at the next quest.

[A pile of bones...

Objective: Unlock your Kekki Genkai

Quest reward: +100 EXP, +1 level for chakra control, +20 chakra, and +2 Ability points

Quest failure: +10 relations for Kimimaro and Hatsu

Time limit: 3 years, 1 month, and 7 days]

Reading the two quests over I noticed two things. One was that if I fail the quest I still get +10 relations for Kimimaro and Hatsu, and the second thing I noticed was that they both end on the same day. The first one probably meaning that even if I fail or succeed my relationship with those two will not change that much. And the second one probably meaning that the Kaguya clan massacre or raid will happen someday close to the due date. 

I closed the quest tab then the main menu to start building the raft. Looking around I noticed that the space around me is mostly a clearing. Meaning the worst place to build a raft in Kiri. 

'Before I start building a raft I need to find someplace safe and dry. I don't want other people to find it. I also need to keep the wood I use to make it from rotting. So the first thing I need to is to find a cave or a tree with a big ass hole that can fit me and a raft that's about long as me. So first a shelter!'

[+3 WIS for figuring things out.]  

I looked around once more before going north to find a place to keep my raft safe and slightly less moisturized. After walking for 10 minutes I couldn't find a tree with a big hole or a cave so I headed back. Once I was back I wondered which way I should go. To the left or to the right. After standing there like an idiot I choose the left since I was left-handed in my past life. After walking for 5 minutes I came across a big tree blocking my way. So I tried climbing over the roots to go to the other side. Key word tried. As soon as I grabbed one of the vines to use as a rope to climb the ground beneath me gave out. 

I fell through a hole and landed on my back. For a second I felt the wind being knocked out of me. So I laid there with some of my hair covering my face. I looked up at the treetops then tried to turn my head to the left but couldn't because of something stopping my head, so I turned to my right. As I was doing so I also calculated how far I fell.

'I guess 6 feet and something centimeters.'

[+1 WIS for figuring it out.]

I heaved out a long sigh before sitting up. Standing up I felt slightly weaker than usual so I started wondering why. But that was probably unneeded because I saw why I was weak. My health was slightly chipped because of falling back first into a hole. Looking away from my health bar I noticed that it was a cave. Walking farther in there were bones and not just animal bones, there were human bones.

'Must be from war. I don't see any rotten flesh so it's been more than 50 years since it's here. The bones don't seem like they've cracked yet so it hasn't been 80 years yet. It's probably corpses from the warring state era since I don't see any modern ninja clothes and the metal armor is a big give away. I guess that they retreated and were resting in this cave but died of poisoning and or bloodloss.'

[+4 WIS for figuring things it out.] 

'Ah, so I was right. But putting that aside I should try to find a way out of here.'

As I turned I heard the sound of water splashing. Confused I turned back and headed towards the source of the sound. The farther I walked into the cave the darker it got so I stopped walking and waited for my eyes to adjust to the dark. Once my eyes were adjusted to the dark I walked farther into the cave. After walking for about 5 minutes I started seeing small neon yellow lights flicker. As I stared I noticed that they were fireflies.

'Fireflies live near standing waters. That means the sound I heard a couple of minutes ago was the sound of water moving. Now that I think about it the ground was beginning to become harder to walk on since I started slipping.'

[+1 WIS for figuring it out.]

'Thought so.'   

Walking towards the wall of the cave I placed my hand on it and started walking once again. After a minute or two I noticed that the number of fireflies increased meaning that the water is close by. After another minute or two I finally found the source of the splashing water. There was a small waterfall by the end of the cave which pooled into a body of water. I crouched down and stuck my hand into the water shivering slightly for the water was cool.

Bringing my wet hand to my mouth I licked my pointer finger. It was slightly salty meaning that either the waterfall is somehow connected to the sea or that the body of water is connected to the sea.

'I'll come back here tomorrow. I need to go back home before the sun sets.' 

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