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After listening to Kimimaro explain what happened I gave him a closed eye smile before patting his head and heading over to the kitchen. Curious about what I was going to do, he followed me. 

I walked over to the sink, looking for what kids throw around like balls in this world. I grab it and look over my shoulder, showing it to him with a close eyed smile. Seeing what I had in my hand, Kimimaro starts becoming nervous.

"Kan-nee..." He asks with nervousness laced in his tone.

"Yes, Kimi-Nii?" I asked with confusion.

"What are doing with that?"

"Nothing. Well, I might go stab a person or two but that's nothing to worry about. Yes, nothing to worry about..." I trailed off with a smile on my face.

"Wait, don't kill anyone Kan-nee."

"Hm? When did I say I'm going to kill someone?" I asked with a closed eye smile.

"Um... You didn't..."

"Exactly! I only said stab. Nothing life-threatening. Just a few... Slightly lethal stabs... Nothing to worry about." 

"Please don't stab anyone Kan-nee..."

I stared at him for a few seconds and he stares back. We stayed like that for a few more seconds before he blinked. I mentally cheered for winning the non-existent staring contest. I smiled and turned around to place the knife back in the sink before turning around to hug him.

"If Kimi-nii says so then I won't stab anyone." I said with glee.

Kimimaro sweatdropped at my change of attitude but smiled in the end. I looked up and stared at Kimimaro smiling. Noticing my stare he looked at me in confusion and tilted his head.

"Is something on my face?"

"Nope, I'm just happy that you stopped crying." I said with another closed eye smile.

He nodded with a slight blush. I smiled and stopped hugging him. Taking a step back I noticed that Kimimaro had smudges of dirt on his clothes. I then looked down at my clothes and noticed that it's dirty. Remembering that I was gonna take a bath before this started.

"Kimi-nii you should go change."

He tilted his head in confusion so I pointed a finger at his clothes. He looked down and then looked back up before nodding.

⇴  ⇴  ⇴ 

After we changed we headed to the kitchen to see if Hatsu was home, which unsurprisingly she was. As we were walking up to her I noticed that she is paler than usual.

"Grandma, what happened? You're paler than usual." I asked with concern.

When she heard me she visibly flinched before turning to face us and smiling. She looked at me and sent me another smile before looking at Kimimaro and furrowing her brows before sending him a smile that had a hint of sadness in it. 

"I'm just tired. The shop's been busy for a while with the invasion Hoka-Sama has been planing." She said before awkwardly chuckling.


I pretend to buy her excuse and went to sit down at the chabudai. And Kimimaro did the same. After a few minutes, Hatsu came in with dinner. Today we were having fried fish and a salad that had some tomatoes and lettuce. For the most part, it was quiet, as most of our meals go. Deciding that right now was the right time to speak I spoke.



"Today Kimi-nii did something cool!"

"Oh, what is it?" She asked with a forced closed eye smile.

"He somehow made bone-like things come out!" After hearing what I said Kimimaro flinched and looked down while Hatsu forced another smile.

"Oh, is that so?"

"Yup! It's soo cool! I wish I could do it. It'll be awesome!"

"Yes, it'll be awesome..."

I nodded furiously while chewing. After shoving a few bites of fish down my throat I turned to face Kimimaro and smiled.

'I need to find out how to get those fucking bones out of my body.'

"How did you do it Kimi-nii?"

"We were tree climbing when I fell off and I panicked, and when I noticed I was holding a bone-like thing with one end stabbed into the tree."

"That's... Interesting. I guess next time I go out I should climb a tree and fall halfway up."

A few seconds passed before I realized that I said that out loud. I swallowed the food that was left in my mouth before I gave then two concerned-looking people a closed eye smile and sheepishly rubbed the back of my head.

"Please pretend I didn't say that."

The two slowly nodded before resuming eating. A few minutes passed before we finished eating. We gave our plates to Hatsu and were headed to our rooms. As we were heading to our room Hatsu pulled Kimimaro back into the kitchen. Wondering what she's gonna say I stood close by eavesdropping. 

"-nowing Kan-chan she's going to try out what she said tomorrow, or someday in the near future, so I want you to follow her and stop her. If you can't, then try to catch her when she falls."

"Ok, Hatsu-san."

Deciding that the discussion was probably over I headed to our room humming my favorite song from my past life.

*I decided to name the clan patrician cus he has no name. So ya, Hoka is the clan patrician's name from now on. Sorry if this was boring and short, it's a filler so it's expected. It's literally in the name.*

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