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After waking up, I quickly opened the map to see where I was. I wasn't surprised when I saw where I was. Same place as the day before. After closing the map, I set the seal up and placed it on the back. I had to head north to avoid the land of water. Once I was near the land of bean jam, I had to head west towards the land of hot springs. I plan on getting off there since they promote that they are a 'Village that has forgotten wars'. I probably won't get killed when I cross their border. Unless my luck decides that meeting Hidan is a great idea.

And so, I spent the day heading to the direction of the land of bean jam. I was halfway there when I ran out of fuel(Water). So I had to eat, replenish the fuel and my chakra, then sleep. The next day was the same, wake up, head to the direction of bean jam, stop to replenish fuel and chakra, then sleep. The third day was uneventful like the last two. The only difference was that I was near the land of bean jam, so I had to stop the raft and head west to the land of hot water.

For the next week, I spent my days dodging islands, trying not to get struck by thunder, and trying not to drown. As I neared the land of hot water, the temperature started rising and I started to melt. Not physically, but it was enough for me to sweat buckets.

Another week past and I neared the land of hot water. And I must say, everything was fine, except for the heat. Once I was near the shore I grinned and got off of the raft. The water was supposedly shallow, but it went up to my stomach, so it probably wasn't. Once the raft was in the inventory, I slowly waddled my way to the shore. The slightly cold water caused me to shiver for a few seconds, but I got used to it quickly.

Once at shore, I wrung the water out of my clothes and looked around. The shore was rocky, like a riverbank, and was connected to a forest. Patting my wrinkled skirt, I grimace at the uncomfortable feeling of damp cloth sticking to my leg. After a few minutes, I was finally able to unstick the cloth from my legs.

I head into the forest and walked around. There were trees, trees, and some more trees. I opened the map and walked deeper into the forest. From what I see, I was near the border of the land of hot water and land of snow. I zoomed into the map and calculated the distance between where I was to the land of fire border. Which was around three hundred sixty kilometers. If I were to push myself, I would be able to clear the distance in about two weeks, about thirty-two kilometers a day. So I start walking.

A few hours pass and I was tired. I stopped to rest a few times but without water, this is very challenging and the fact that I only have a meal a day isn't helping. It just helps my stomach yearn for more food. I need to figure out an alternative method to reach the land of fire border. And I quickly figured out what I should do.

'System, what's the fastest animal?'


'I don't know much about that... Alright, what's the fastest flying creature?'

[Peregrine falcon.]

'I don't also know much about that so let's not use that... Oh, I know! What's the fastest flying butterfly?'


'What does that look like?'

There was nothing at first but after a few seconds, the system finally showed me. If I was being honest, it looked more like a moth than a butterfly.

'Are you sure this is a butterfly?'

[Yes, it is a species of butterflies called skipper. Skippers usually look like a moth, so they are commonly mistaken as moths.]

'Well, can't blame those who do. They are one step away from being categorized as moths in my mind. Whatever, before I anything I'm gonna ask you again, are you sure that's a butterfly?'


'Ok, if you say so.'

I stopped walking and started imaging the butterfly in my mind. Once that was done, I imagined its wings movements when it flies. It quite hard since I have never seen it before. But after a few minutes, I was finally able to figure it out. I think. Then I tried to figure out how much it weighs and how it will feel when it flies, move, and land. For the weight, I just assumed that it's the same as a regular butterfly. The others, I don't know. So like the weight, I just assumed how it feels to fly, move, and land.

After I simulated everything in my head a few times, I did the hand signs for the transformation Jutsu, and the weird sensation spread throughout my body. Usually, I will transform into a butterfly and not a butterfly-moth hybrid, so the location of some body parts was weird.

For the next few minutes, I tested the wings. It took a few tries but soon enough I was able to move them properly without hurting myself. Yes, hurting myself. If I moved the wings the wrong way, it would hurt. Another few minutes passed and I was finally able to fly without bumping into any trees. As soon as I was able to fly safely, I set off for the border.    

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