
2K 91 15

With a long yawn, I woke up. My chakra was full once again and I was still alive. Thank Jashin. As I stood up, I started stretching. Somehow forgetting about the fractured shoulder, I tried to move it but instead of a satisfying crack, a yelp of pain came out. Squatting down, I cursed myself. I must be stupid for forgetting about a fractured shoulder. 

Sighing, I stood up once again and looked around. Kisame wasn't around or maybe he was and I'm just too blind to see. Either way, I wasn't going to let my guard down. Besides, I had a quest to complete so I shouldn't idle about.

After drawing a bloody X on the palm of my hand and sending chakra to it, my summons appeared. Just like before I summoned eight unnamed butterflies and one Rumi. They formed into groups of two and once again, Rumi was the only one without a partner so she became mine. We argued for a minute or two before she gave up. I think she's done putting up with my shit. 

"Anyways, as I was saying before I need you guys to look for people."

"A group like before?"

"No? Yes? I don't know..."

"If there are more than two humans, it's a group. If there's only one then it's a human. Not a group of humans but a human."

"If we go by your definition then it's a group of humans."

"What do they look like?"

"Well they're all-male, middle-aged, seven people with the same face, what else..."

[Ash brown hair, orchid colored eyes]

"Shit colored hair, orchid colored eyes." 

"Anything else?"

"They're most likely using some kind of clone Jutsu or transformation Jutsu. But that's useless information for you guys. Anyways, that's about it."

"I see... So just like last time?"

"Ya. And since you guys got all of the details, shoo. Go. The quicker you find them, the quicker we're out of this shit."  

With that, they flew away. Due to the tall trees casting a shadow, a few seconds after they flew away, I couldn't see them anymore. That was the start of a few seconds of awkward silence. But the silence was broken by Rumi. With her flying around me in circles, she asked me a question.

"When are you going to cut your hair?"

"What do you mean." 

"I thought you were aware.

"Of course not. I'm a kid with a fractured shoulder."

"During your... confrontation yesterday, the kunai which was thrown at you cut off a small chunk of hair."

It took a few moments for me to process the information. For some reason. Don't ask me why. But when my bird brain finally processed it I sighed. I took my good arm and started feeling my hair around. After a few seconds, I found where my unneeded haircut was. It wasn't a lot but it was still enough for people to notice. After thinking about it for a few seconds, I sighed. 

"Guess I'm a bastard child now."

"Weren't you always one?"

"Hey! Just because I'm like this doesn't mean I have an... father. Maybe you're right... Should've asked her before I killed her... Oh well, who cares."

"So where is he?"

"Hoshigaki-san? I don't know. Wasn't around when I woke up. Putting that aside, how was it?"

"It went alright. There wasn't much to take note of other than the fact that he seemed to possess one of your seals."

"Which one?"

"The one that makes you a living ghost."

"Oh, the diversion one. I'm surprised it's still in his possession. I thought Hoka took it. Anything else?"

"The corpses were gathered into a mass and burned."

"That's all?"


"Good work."

With that, our conversation ended, though it seemed like there was something not said on Rumi's side. But I could care less. I've got shit to do. I opened up the map and looked around the area. With a glance, I found a village a few miles away from here. Maybe I can find someone to heal this damn fracture and that damn man if I'm lucky... The fuck am I saying. I've got no fucking luck. With that, I've headed to the town... Wait, or was it a village? Eh, who cares. 

I changed the steps for the summoning Jutsu. I found out that there are different ways for summons to be summoned. So from now on, it's gonna be drawing a bloody X and sending chakra to it. Why an X? Because it looks like the wings of a butterfly. If you have a problem with it, go fuck yourself.

The Kaguya clan is based around the Heian period. Kishimoto himself said so. Anyways, putting that aside, let me explain about the hair thing.
So in the Heian period, there was a simple beauty standard. Long hair = More beauty points. Ok, it wasn't that simple but we're not talking about white skin, black teeth, shaved brows, or red lips. We're talking about hair! Anyway, long hair was seen as something beautiful. So when a female cut's their hair, they're seen as barbarians. If you put it in modern terms, it's like having a pretty face but you deliberately dump sulfuric acid on it. As for the 'bastard child' part, it made more sense than 'barbarian'.

Also sorry for not updating. I had to study for exams and once I was done with that, 99.99% of my brain cells were sent to the ER. Then I found out I didn't pass honors English so had to get my ass to summer school. That's what I've been doing for the past three weeks. Also, also I've been thinking of rewriting this story. I'm bored and there's not much to do. I've also just wanted to stop half-assing things, so ya. 

Sorry for this long ass segment. 

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