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A month has passed since the third shinobi war ended meaning that it's a couple of months before the rookie nine are born. As much as I want to fangirl I also have to start training more because I only have 4 years before the clan gets slaughtered. So to get myself motivated I came up with a motivational quote.

[If Itachi can kick ass and go to war at 4 then I certainly can get out of this compound!]

And surprisingly the system approved it and it even started showing it to me when I wake up, when I collapse out of exhaustion, and when I try to take a day off. Sometimes I think the system is trying to kill me. So right now since I didn't want to run, lift heavy objects, or swing a stick I'm practicing my sealing skills. And I thank god for the system for actually helping me instead of trying to kill me. It's showing me images of seals such as the explosion tags, sealing tags, and storage tags.

Currently, I'm practicing how to make explosion tags without making it explode which is very hard. If you make even a single mistake it can mess up the entire thing. For example, if I make the strokes too short it will explode too soon and if I make the strokes too long it will take a while before it explodes. It's quite hard to find the right length for the strokes, even if I have an image of it. As I was drawing the finishing touches an alert screen popped up in front of me. 

[Someone is approaching you!]

I sighed and started erasing the signs that I was making seals. Once all of the seals I drew were messed up I started drawing a flower that was coincidentally close by. Once it was close enough to be done I closed my eyes trying to find out how close that person is. As I sent my chakra out to see who it is I felt familiar chakra approaching. I opened my eyes and started drawing once again.

A moment later the bush behind me moved and someone came out. I turned around alerted but when I saw who it was I lowered my guard. I stood up and ran towards them to hug them.

"Kimi-nii~!" I said with glee.

"Kan-nee." He said shyly.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were reading inside." I asked with slight confusion even though I knew he was looking for me.

"I was looking for you. Hatsu-san came back home early and told me to find you." 

"Grandma did? Then let's hurry back!"

I dropped the stick I was using as a pencil before taking Kimimaro's hand and running back home. After running out of the forest I used for training, we ran down unpopulated streets before running through the main ones. We headed towards the east part of the main streets to go back home. After turning right on the main street and running straight for a minute or two we finally made it back home. 

I used my unoccupied hand to slam open the door before running inside but not before kicking off my shoes, I'm not sure about Kimimaro I think he had to throw them down the hallway to not go inside with them. 

When we were in the kitchen I spotted Hatsu making something, which probably is dinner. She turned around and gave us a small smile before stopping what she was doing. She headed towards us and patted our head before telling us to sit down by the Chabudai. We obviously complied and sat down. 

She went to her room and brought something back before sitting down at her spot. She placed the box she brought from her room in front of us before smiling and telling us to open it. 

We nodded, confused but still did anyway. I opened the box slowly with caution for some reason with Kimimaro looking over my shoulder with wonder. Once the box was fully opened inside was a stack of books and a few articles of clothes. I kept the box open while kimimaro took the things out. 

Inside was a book about flowers, taijutsu, history, and seals. As for the clothes, there was a pair of long gray sleeved shirt and gray sleeveless kimono along with dark gray pants. There was also a pair of light blue hanfu looking kimono. I really don't know what it is but it was close to that. We looked up at Hatsu with confusion clearly on our face.  

"Happy late birthday you two." She said with a smile.

I blinked before remembering that our birthday was a while back. Then I looked down on the gifts that Hatsu bought us. The quality of the cloth is one of the best I've seen since I was reborn and not to mention the books their hardcover, not paperback and the spine is made of metal. All of these should cost more than what Hatsu makes a year, meaning that she either saved up since our birth or she couldn't find what she was looking for and found it now so she bought it. I stared at the titles of the books before noticing something. 

She bought books about taijutsu and seals! Under normal circumstances women can't buy those kinds of books, actually any kinds of books that contain ways to fight or how to use chakra in general, excluding medical ninjutsu the only kind of chakra related thing women can do. Which means she either stole it or lied that she's going to give them to Kimimaro. So I did the first I do when I'm confused. 

'What in the actual fuck.'

I swore mentally before I turned my gaze to Hatsu looking for an explanation. Which she did give but not before awkwardly scratching her cheek while laughing awkwardly.

"If you're wondering how I got the books, I got them by telling the shopkeeper that I'm giving to Kimi-Kun. As for the clothes I bought cloth a month before and started making them."

We nodded in understanding when we heard her explain. But even if she did explain there was still one question lingering in our mind.

'Which book is who's?'

And as if she's reading our mind she smiled before telling us which book is well who's.

"The taijutsu and flower ones are for you Kimi-Kun." Kimimaro flinched slightly when he heard this.

"I've noticed you have taken an interest in flowers so I bought you one. As for the taijutsu, it's because you should know how to fight when they take you out to fight." Her voice became weaker at the end which didn't go unnoticed by us. 

"And as you might already know the history and seal books are for Kan-chan. Do you think I haven't noticed you writing well-practicing seals when you think nobody is nearby. And as for history, I know you like information so I bought it for you." I scratched the back of my neck sheepishly when she told me.

"Even though I bought it for you, you need to give your two books to Kimi-Kun when you're going outside. And Kimi-Kun, when you're going outside you need to give your flower book to Kan-chan. Ok?"

We nodded our heads in understanding before taking our books and clothing to our room. Possibly to compare the information we already know with the books we just received. 

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