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My face paled and my palms started sweating. I was prepared to deal with anyone from the Akatsuki but when it actually came to it, I wasn't sure if I could. I would have the system deal with it but since it's a once-a-month thing, so I can't. Luckily, the system calmed me down which allowed me to breathe.

'System, use all of my points to raise my luck.'


This is the only way I can have a chance to walk out of this situation alive.

[Luck has been raised to 11.]

Usually, I will be asking what my luck was at, but today I have no time to be idling around. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I turned around.

"Yes, I am."


The girl was shaking. Like a rabbit that was cornered by its predator. Or at least that's what it looks like to Habu. When she followed Tsubaki, she wasn't expecting something like this to happen. She leaned forward slightly to see who the voice belonged to and who she saw was quite a surprise for her.

It was Hoshigaki Kisame, no wonder why the girl looked like a cornered prey. But now that she thinks about it, how does the girl know who he is? Or is she scared because of how he looks? It must be the last reason.

"And you must be Hoshigaki-san."

Or maybe not. Now she started wondering how she knew of him. Regular civilians don't usually keep track of rouge ninjas, so she must be from a family of ninjas. But what kind of family makes a kid memorize who is a rouge and who is not?

"Oh, you know who I am."

"What kind of informant would I be if I didn't."

"An informant you say... The leader said the same thing, though he did sound skeptical while saying it."

"I don't blame him, since he doesn't know who I am."

Both Kisame and Habu raised their brow. Kisame because he is wondering why the leader knows about her if he doesn't know who she is. And Habu because Tsubaki doesn't look like an informant.

"Putting that aside, what do you want from me?"

"That's what I'm here to ask. What do you want from the Akatsuki?"

"I want to become an informant for you guys."



"What else can you do? Being an informant is good and all but if that's all you can do, then sooner or later, you will become useless."

After being asked the question, she started tapping her foot and folded her fingers as if she's counting. After a few seconds of silence, she started listing things off. 

"Fūinjutsu, Iryō ninjutsu... Immunity poison and mind-controlling Jutsus... Those are probably the most notable things I can do."

"So what use will you be even if you can do those kinds of things? With enough experience, anyone can do what you claim to be able to do. So I'll ask you again, what use will you be?"

A few seconds of silence goes by as she thinks up an answer. Silently, she swallows the lump in her throat before squeezing her right hand into a fist. A moment later, a loud crack echoes through the clearing. 

"I don't know. I honestly don't know what I can do to benefit you guys. And the same goes for you guys. You people wouldn't know what use I will be if you just kill me off right here. Especially, if I don't have the chance to show what I'm capable of."

She pauses before bringing her right hand on top of her chest.

"I have a proposal. So please hear me out. For a month, I will accompany you on your missions. And in that month I will do whatever it takes to be of use to you guys. Once the month is over and I am not useful to you guys in any shape or form, then you can kill me."

Kisame grinned and then a gust of wind rushed past her. The Samehada that was strapped to his back was now inches away from her neck. When she finally understood what happened, he was already asking her a question. 

"You sure about that?"


After a few long and agonizing seconds, Samehada was strapped back onto his back. Tsubaki released a silent sigh. 

"Alright, you have a month to prove that you're useful."

"I'll make sure you won't regret it. And since we're here, we might as while get rid of a pest." 

So... I half-assed it. (╹ڡ╹ )
Please don't kill me. 

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