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"So, how was it?"

"A few are missing."

"Which side won?"

"I'm not sure but most of the masked ones were dead."

"So, the green vested ones are the winners... How many of the masked ones were there?"

"Well over ten."

"So you don't know."

"You didn't tell me to count."

"...Point taken, let's go."


Thirty minutes later we arrived at the crime scene. Honestly, I started regretting my decision the second the cliffs... And now, after twenty minutes of climbing, I came across my first body. The whole area around the body stunk of iron but I'm not complaining. I took a kunai out and stabbed the fallen ninja's neck a few times before setting it aside.

"What's that for?"

"To make sure they ain't alive."

I took their pouch and weapons which were only kunai's. I placed the kunai's in the pouch I stole (From the land of hot springs) before inspecting what's inside the pouch. Inside were three scrolls (Don't know how they fitted that in there...), pills, a roll of bandages, and a batch of paper bombs. How the hell do they fit it all in this small ass bag?

After wearing the pouch, I took a look at the mask on their face. It looked familiar...

[Does the host remember the group that attacked Danzō?]


[Then would host like me to brief over the group's information?]


[The person in front of host is a member of Hannyashū.

A regiment of the anbu of the land of woods. Konohagakure sent a team to meet with the Hannyashū in an attempt to establish an alliance but was betrayed. Most of the Hannyashū were eliminated but some were able to flee. Years later, the remaining members tried to assassinate the sixth Hokage candidate but failed and were eliminated.]

'Oh... Now that you explained it to me, I remember. Danzō wasted a perfectly good eye for these fuckers.'

[Yes, yes, he did.]

Sighing, I stared at the mask for a few seconds before heading to the next cliff. It took me ten minutes to get to the top, but it was worth it. There were so many bodies to loot from and I couldn't help but smile in delight. And there was one thing that really caught my attention.

"Whoa, is that a fucking sword?!"

I ran towards the three figures lying on the ground. The cloaked one had their mask off, the second one had a sword by their hand, and the last one didn't have anything that caught my attention. Once it was in arm's length away from me, I sat down and took ahold of it.

It was quite heavy, but I was able to lift it up and take a good look at it. Its length was probably half of my height. It was quite worn but was still useable. I think.



Quality – C

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