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Hatsu somehow managed to get me a book about chakra control, though most of it's about how to mold your chakra to use medical ninjutsu. While reading the scroll one question or thought popped into my head. Who the hell gives 2-year-olds books about chakra control, but that's a question that will never be answered. Wanting to be able to climb trees without using my hands as soon as possible I headed outside to find me a place to train.

I walked through the slightly crowded street looking for a place to train. Since I couldn't find a place near my house I headed to the outskirts of the compound. As I got near the border of the compound I noticed there are more trees, overgrown grass, and more poorly made houses. I looked around, not feeling the presence of any humans.

'Perhaps these are old abandoned buildings.'

Then I sensed movement a few feet ahead of me. The bush moved slightly indicating that there's something or someone there. Giving in to my curiosity, I quickly but quietly moved towards the said bush cautiously. When I was a step away from the bush it moved once more and a white rabbit jumped out. Mentally sighing in relief that it wasn't anything dangerous I reached out to pet it. My hand was hovering over the rabbit before I stopped when the realization hit me.

'It's not winter yet but the rabbit's coat is white. That means it ran away from somewhere or someone brought it over from somewhere that's snowing. If it's the latter then I should be careful. Should I try to look for them? But I shouldn't just walk to the unknown. Then should I try to sense them like a sensory nin?... I should try that. If I can't then I should head back home.'

I closed my eyes trying my best to knead my chakra to feel the surrounding chakra. When I did I couldn't feel anything so tried harder. I directed my chakra to the area ahead of me in hopes of having a better feeling of the possible enemy chakra. After a while, I felt a chakra different from the other ones around it. That chakra felt... Calming. It was covered by another chakra signature. That chakra felt, hostile for some reason. But there was one thing that was similar about the two, and it was that there were large amounts of it.

I opened my eyes debating rather if I should go and try to see whatever's there or not. Wanting to figure out who or what's there I went with the former. I gently picked the rabbit up and headed to the direction that I felt the chakra. As I got near the unknown chakra signature it was becoming harder to breathe. Once I got to the place where I last felt the chakra it felt like I ran for hours on end without stopping. My breathing began to become rigid, my shoulder felt heavier, and my legs felt like it was gonna give up on me any second, but everything started to become normal because of the 'Gamer's mind' ability. My shoulders became lighter and my legs less harder to move. I looked up and stared at the place where I believe whoever or whatever is the cause of the uneasy feeling is.

"Um, excuse me. Is this your rabbit?" I asked as I held the squirming rabbit up.

"Are you not coming out because you don't who I am?"  

Even after I asked that nothing made a sound. Deciding it's a good time to introduce myself I spoke up. 

"My name is Kanna. I'm 2 years old and I live with my twin brother and my grandma. I like sweets, information, and my family. My dislikes are spicy and sour things, and bugs such as centipedes, bees, and cockroaches. My hobby is planning for the future. My dream no, my plan is to be able to get out of here. Now that I introduced myself would you please at least come out?"

After I said that there were a few seconds of silence before a human-shaped shadow stepped out of the branches. It was a boy with short, messy, grey hair, which fell over the right side of his face and spiked up on the left. He also had pupil-less pink eyes and what seemed to be a stitch-like scar running from under his left eye, all the way down his cheek. He wore a black sleeveless mesh shirt with black pants. Around his waist was a turquoise sash with the kiri's forehead protector stitched on to it. As I stared at him I noticed he looked familiar, then it clicked.

'He looks like mother fucking Yagura! No, he is Yagura!'

[+1 WIS for figuring it out.]

I must've stared at him a little too long because he cleared his throat to get my attention. Snapping out of my daze I looked up at him in confusion since I don't know what to do now that I found him. Then I remembered something. He's in Kaguya territory right now. 

"You know your trespassing, right?" He looked taken back because he either didn't know or because he did expect me to say something like that.

 "If you didn't know then you should take the rabbit and go back to Kiri before one of the adults find you."


I tilted my head in confusion since he didn't finish what he was saying.

"How did you know where I am and where I am from?" He asked with a hint of confusion.

"Because who would miss a big ass chakra signature and because you have the Kiri forehead protector stitched to your sash." I said with a big smile.

He nodded and jumped down from the branch. Then proceed to extend his arm indicating to give him the rabbit, and so I did. He turned around to go back to Kiri but before he did I stopped him by pulling on his pants. He turned around in confusion and I gave him a closed eye smile.

"Can you tell me about yourself before you go? This is the first time I met someone from outside of the compound so I want to know about you!"

He stared at me for a few seconds before sighing. Seeing that I mentally cheered.

"I'm Yagura and I'm 10 years old. I like my family and the village, I dislike war, my hobby is training, and my dream is to become strong and then eventually the Mizukage."

"Hello, Yagu-kun! Thank you for using your precious time to introduce yourself to me."

He nodded before disappearing into the treetops.  

*I honestly don't know the actual age for Yagura so I made him 10. Which means he'll be 23 by the time he dies.*         

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