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[One week until the Uchiha massacre]

For the past three days, I have spent my time creating more storage seals and planning. Currently, I have nine seals and a semi-decent plan.

[Five days until the Uchiha massacre]

Two days ago, I started practicing the substitution Jutsu. The problem is that I have no clue how to do it. At first, I tried to perfect it by coating my target with chakra, but that did nothing. 

So my next idea was to give up. I was surprised I dedicated two days to figure out how to do that damn Jutsu. So, instead of the substitution Jutsu, I started trying out the clone Jutsu. 

After half a day of wasting chakra, I got a very bad clone. Like episode one Naruto bad. Ok, maybe even worse. 

[Three days until the Uchiha massacre]

Today, I came up with an even better plan than the first one I created, but I'm still not sure if it works or not. So I decided to test it out. After replenishing my chakra, I summoned ten butterflies.

"Alright my wonderful summons, I want you guys to do something for me."

"It doesn't sound good if you're praising us."

"You're right! It's not good, it's actually bad and perhaps dangerous. Anyways, I need... Six? Ya, six of you guys to go to this village northeast from where we are and stay there. Yes? No?"

"We can manage that... But what's 'Dangerous'? If this is like any other village you sneaked into, then you will have no need for us to do this."

"Ya, that part... You're sneaking into a hidden village, which is quite different from the ones I usually go to. Th security is more than ten times higher, meaning, I can't sneak in like I usually do. So, I'm sending you guys in to see if I can sneak in."

"So we're a test."


"I see... Other then the fact that we're scapegoat, is there any thing we should keep in mind?"

"Ya, avoid any place with people with a leaf-like symbol carved onto a piece of metal. I also advise avoiding any place that looks like a school, tower, and compound. Treat everyone with more chakra than you like Konan-san."

"I see... We'll keep note of that."

With that, they split into two groups. One which is staying with me, and the other which will head to Konoha with Rumi.

"Oh, and there are probably fields and flowers beds there. If there aren't, then there's this flowers shop called 'Yamanaka flowers' but there's a twist, it's owned by ninjas. So be careful.

"We'll also keep note of that."

[Day of the Uchiha massacre]

During the last three days, I became somewhat decent with the clone Jutsu. It's still pretty flimsy, but I'm sure people will know that I tried to make a clone. And since yesterday, I have been heading to Konoha and have been successful in avoiding leaf ninjas. There was that one time I was almost caught but thank god they were in a hurry.


Objective: Enter and exit Konoha without being seen by a leaf ninja

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