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I walked back to the hole that I fell through to go back home. When I stared at the hole above me I wondered how the hell I was gonna get out. The hole's hight was about two me's. Looking around I saw no ledges that I can climb.

'Should I try to climb with chakra?... I guess trying won't hurt.'

I stood there with my eyes closed directing some of the Chakra to my feet. While doing so I directed a little too much to my feet causing the ground underneath me to slightly crack. Hearing the ground crack I panicked a little but calmed down before things went south. Redirecting the excessive amount of chakra that was at my feet. 

Once the ground beneath me stopped cracking I took a step forward. Then another step. Maintaining chakra on the soles of my foot is harder than imagined, especially when your walking. Once I was by the wall of the cave I placed my foot on it and stayed like that for a few seconds before placing my other foot on the wall. I once again stayed like that for a few seconds before slowly lifting my left foot and placing it a few inches away from my right one. I continued doing this until I was about a foot away from the opening. 

I gripped onto the root of the tree before swinging my right leg over the edge. I dug the heel of my foot into the ground before pulling myself up via arm strength. Which was pretty damn good for a kid my age, much less a girl. Pulling myself up I was almost out of the hole before the place I dug the heel of my foot in pretty much crumbled. So now I was hanging on for dear life via tree root with moss growing on it. I noticed my arm slowly but surely slipping so of course I panicked but that didn't go that far because of 'Gamer's mind'. 

Once my mind was calmed I directed chakra to my hands, then to the tip of my fingers. As I did that I felt my strength increase. I gripped the root harder and pulled myself up with the best of my ability. My arm started to hurt so I dug the tip of my foot into the soil before slamming my elbow into the ground. With the last of my strength, I pulled myself up onto the root and heaved a sigh. 

I carefully walked off of the root and to the ground beneath. Looking down my clothes I was dirty. The front of my Kimono looking thing is covered with dirt along with my back. My bangs have crushed moss painting it. And my hand are covered with dirt and moss. Trying my best to get the dirt and moss off of me I stand there patting my clothes and hair. Once most of the filth was off of me I headed home. 

Walking down the dark streets, I was happy that it was dark. I wouldn't know what people will say when they see me dirty. They probably won't shut up about how I could even live with such dirty clothes for weeks. Heaving out another sigh I walk into the house. Kicking my shoes off I head to my room to change. When I walk in I see a crying Kimimaro. I stare as if he's grown a second head. Probably sensing my stare he looks up.

"Why are you crying, Kimi-Nii?"

He looks back down and pulls his legs closer to his chest. I walk up to him and shake his shoulders. After doing that for a few seconds I got tired of him ignoring me so I hit him upside the head. He looked up confused about why I did that.

"Sorry, did I hit you too hard?" I asked concerned.

"No." He mumbled out.

"That's good. But putting that aside, why are you crying? Did you break a bone?"

When I said 'Bone' he flinched indicating that this has something to do with bones. I stared at him looking for swelling or blood. Seeing none I wondered why he flinched when I said bone. Then a thought hit me. 

'Did he awaken the Shikotsumyaku?'

Nodding to my thought. I crouched down to his level and patted his head with my less dirty hand. He slightly smiled and leaned into my hand. After a few seconds of patting his head, I smirked before taking my handoff. He looked up at me confused why I took my hand off and was about to ask why but I spoke before he did.

"Tell me what happened."

He looked like he was debating mentally if he should tell me or not. After a minute of silence, I was becoming impatient. I lifted my hand up ready to hit him upside the head but before I did he opened his mouth to speak.

"Do you think I'm a freak?"

His question threw me off guard making me blink in confusion. I looked at him yet again as if he grew a second head. Taking my silence and staring as a 'Yes' he started crying yet again. Panicking I hugged him to make him stop crying.

"Please stop crying. Your not a freak, you're my brother."

I stopped hugging him and looked at his face. His eyes were red and puffy with tears still flowing out of it. Nose red and cheeks with a slight blush. I lifted my left hand and wiped the tears off of his face before smiling.

"Now then tell me what happened."  

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