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The first time I attempted to make a seal that will project water at a very high pressure. Like a water jet. It exploded in my face and I had to go back to when I saved. Now that I look back at it, the formula was somewhat similar to one of an explosion tag.

The second time it exploded yet again but this time, with water. It hurt, like really badly. Felt like someone dumped boiling water on my face and hands.

The third time I attempted to make a seal, unsurprisingly it exploded, again. Maybe a water jet seal isn't a good idea.

Tenth attempt. Despite thinking that it's not a good idea. I still continued making a water jet seal. For the last few tries, instead of focusing on the water, I focused on the pressure. And after experimenting, I found out that lowering the pressure not only saves the little chakra I have, I have three more seconds before it explodes. Yes, I counted.

Twentieth attempt. After figuring out the right pressure for the water, I had to figure out a way to make water come out, continuously. And that was when I ran into another problem. I don't have enough chakra to make water continuously come out. Making a seal that adjusts the pressure was enough to deplete my reserves dangerously close to the single digits.

So, I had to rack my brain for ideas. And after what felt like an eternity, several ideas came up. First one, use the water from the ocean. But that idea was debunked as soon as I thought of it. Because if I were to make a seal that will utilize the ocean's water, well I will die. Not that that's a problem. But what I mean is that I will go nowhere. Besides, I'm not skilled enough to make a space-time seal.

The second one was using my swarm as a medium. What I mean is, use the pressure seal, summon swarm, turn them into water, place pressure seal on them, blast away. But like the first idea, that was debunked for four reasons. First, as I said earlier I won't have enough chakra after making the seal. Second, summoning a swarm will take a shit ton of chakra. Third, I don't know how much chakra is needed to turn them into water. Fourth, there is a limit to how much I can turn into water.

The third idea was to make one pressure seal every day and use the one I made the day before. In case I forgot to mention, the pressure seal already has a little bit of water I guess in it. Enough to use it was a water gun. I know, pretty useless. So, this idea but debunked.

And the last idea was just to say fuck this shit and let the waves take me wherever the fuck it takes me. But I also decided against it. Why? Well because there are many things that could happen. For example, I can run out of food. I need food to survive. Starving myself is an option but it will cause more harm than good. Another example, I can drown. Pretty likely scenario. I mean, I'm in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by water. That's screaming drowning.

So, I thought, and thought, and thought, and well you get it.

And unsurprisingly, nothing came up. My brain was already racked for ideas, so I didn't have any left. Deciding that it's useless to think about ideas, I just went back to seal making. This time, a seal that will produce water. For this, I had to go back to when I saved.

Thirtieth attempt. For the last few attempts, I was trying to make a seal that produced water. Didn't work. After the fifth attempt, I found out that making anything that's from nature takes a huge amount of chakra. It probably explains why it almost kills my reserves when I make the pressure seal. I was on the verge of giving up, but I remembered that if I do, I'll forever (Probably) be stuck in the middle of nowhere and that's not something I want to do. So, I started thinking of an easier way of making the damn seal.

... What's the number?

[Fortieth attempt, though I am not sure if this counts as an attempt.]

"Thank you, system."

Anyways, it was my fortieth attempt and I was officially done with this seal making bullshit. Not only was I stuck in the middle of nowhere with a useless system, (Let's face it, it has nothing to contribute to getting out of here. The only thing it has contributed was my misery.) I was slowly losing my sanity from the constant dying, seals backfiring, and going back to the save files. Actually, I'm surprised I didn't lose my shit yet.

"Ugh, why does seal making have to be this complex. No, it's not the seal making, it the kanji's fault. Who the hell thought it's a good idea to make I don't know, one hundred symbols for one fucking sound! I wish this was englis-... Fucking English!"

I hadto hold back my urge to drown myself. Why? Because instead of learningthousands upon thousands of different kanji's, I could've used English. Acomplex yet, once you learn it, easy language. Not only do I have to worryabout wrong strokes, symbols, and many more, I don't have to worry about otherpeople trying to remake my seals. And it's a language that I'm more familiarwith! I'm a fucking idiot. No, a fucking dumb ass.

*Sorry for updating late, my parents found out I've been failing science and world war three happened. Anyways, there's a picture/drawing/whatever-the-hell-it-is. Like last time I used a base but I don't know who's it is. Sorry artist that draw this. 


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P.s. I was too lazy to draw the shoes/sandals.*

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