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Host finally decided to use her brain! Take this!

+10 WIS]

Ok, I didn't hold myself back, I drowned myself. You know you're stupid when your system indirectly calls you stupid. So, after I died from filling my lungs with water aka drowning, I went back to the save files. Once where I started all of this bullshit, I started making seals.

The first attempt, like all first tries, went horrible. I managed to semi-recreate the pressure seal but because it (writing seals in English) was a new concept, I messed up the formula and accidentally made it explode. Now that I think about it, what's with my seals and exploding?

On the fifth attempt, I finally managed to remake the pressure seal. I was quite satisfied with the result though there were somethings I noticed that isn't much of a problem but still a little disappointing. It's that despite it being easier and quicker for me to make seals, (probably, I don't know) it's weaker. Though, I believe it's because of the low amount of chakra it needs to be created. Ya, it's probably that. If I add more chakra or make the formula more complex, it'll probably become stronger.

Now all I have to do is make another seal... What the hell should I make... I guess something similar to the storage seal I made then somehow fuse the said seal with the pressure seal. Ya, that'll work. With that, I went to my save files.

Sixth at- is this even an attempt?... I guess it is since I didn't make a damn seal that will get to the mainland. But putting that aside, I started racking my brain for ideas. And ideas didn't pop up. So, I sat there for what felt like an eternity before I had two ideas.

The first one was to make a seal that will utilize the ocean water. There would be a seal that will be placed somewhere it can touch the water then there would be a seal that would be fused with the pressure seal. Then once the seal by the water starts pumping water in the seal that is fused with the pressure seal will spit the water out via pressure letting the raft move in whatever direction I wish. But as good as that idea sounded, I can't create those kinds of seals. Not only do I lack skill, but I also lack chakra. So, it was debunked.

The second idea was to make a seal similar to the storage seal. Like the storage seal, it stores things but instead of keeping it stored, it releases it. Unlike the first idea, this one doesn't operate 24/7/365 instead, it stores water during the day/night and then the next night/day I close the opening, the part the water enters, and open the exit which is connected to the pressure seal. This might be harder than the pressure seal but it's basically the storage seal modified. So, I went to the save files thinking how hard can this be?

Tenth attempt, I take back what I said a few attempts back. It's way harder than I thought. Half of the time it exploded and the other half, I don't know what happened. Before I know it, I'm dead. Maybe I shouldn't think of the seal I'm trying to make as a box but a dam. Ya, that seems right. Since I'm dealing with water and all.

Twentieth attempt, I think I finally made it. Actually, I don't know, storage seals are hard to know if it works or not since you can't find out unless you test it out. So, I tested it out.

Crawling over to the edge of the raft, I wondered where I should place the seal. After a few moments of thinking, I decided to place it on the bottom of the raft where it's basically underwater. After that, I crawled back to where I was sitting and then laid down on the raft with my back to the sky. I then turned to my side and placed the things I had out in my inventory.

After that was done, I sighed and rolled back onto my stomach. It was uncomfortable but still better than staring into the sun and hoping to not become blind. As the waves rocked the raft before I knew it, I was asleep.

I woke up to neck pain. Yes, neck pain. I'm too young to have these kinds of problems. Anyhow, my point was that my neck hurt like hell. Looking around, I took note of the darkening sky, but other than that thought nothing about it. Sitting up, I twisted my back, neck, and hands and it was pretty satisfying, to say the least. After a few moments of listening to my back and neck crack several times, I crawled over to the edge and took the seal off of the raft.

*If you're wondering why the paper is not soggy, it's because paper in the Naruto world are fucking invincible. And don't say 'no' because if I do recall, if Kakashi can slap a piece of paper onto forms Naruto, then the piece of paper that Kanna slapped on the raft can work. Oh, and if you're wondering why the hell she didn't drown or get thrown off the raft by the waves. Well, there's only one answer I can give you. Plot.*     

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