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"Yes, we. I tell you what kind of pest it is and you get rid of it. Plain and simple."

I could feel a glare from my right side. I knew that I was fucked the second I suggested 'Getting rid of the pest'. But then again, I can't have anyone know of this exchange. 

"So, what kind of pest is it?"

I glanced at the screen beside me and read the description. 

[As a kunoichi that specializes in poison and genjutsu, she rarely gets into a confrontation. She was recently relocated to Team Ro due to unknown reasons. She dislikes snakes and tea. Her loyalty towards her village is strong.]

"A poisonous snake."

As soon as I said that, I heard a high-pitched whistle-like noise and Kisame jumped back. I, who can't see jack shit because my eye isn't trained to see high-speed movement, was really confused when a black blob started attacking Kisame. For some odd reason, my head felt a bit lighter than usual. I then felt something liquid like moving slowly down my neck With one touch, I was able to identify the type of liquid it was.  

'Well shit, I'm bleeding.'

Since I barely have enough chakra to heal myself, I didn't bother healing it. Instead, I addressed the elephant in the room.

'System, what the hell was that whistle-like thing?'

[A signal for the Anbu patrolling nearby. In a few minutes, there'll probably be a few Anbu surrounding you.]

Clicking my tongue, I cursed the Anbu. I didn't how long this fight will take and how long we have until the reinforcements are here. Truly a pain in the ass.  

I glanced at the information above the Anbu's head. I was thankful that the Anbu deemed that Kisame was a bigger threat than me. Quickly, I pulled out the first thing I saw from my inventory then threw it towards the direction of the two fighting ninjas.


That seemed to catch the Anbu off guard for a second. But that was all I needed. I painfully moved my right arm and formed a sign. The Anbu moved away from the object but didn't seem to know that I can't do anything right now. And seconds later, there were several loud cracks before a thud. 

'Well, shit.'

I glanced at the body lying a foot away from me. Just by looking at it, you can tell more than a bone or two are broken. I took a look at the health bar and it was slowly but surely dropping. In the short time she became a baseball, her health was reduced to 25 percent of what it used to be. She?

'System, is the Anbu a female?'


'I wonder if my next victim's gonna be a male.'

With that question in mind, I took out a bone that I have made back home and walked over to the Anbu. 

"Sukue huh? I like your name. It sounds like 'Save'. It would've been wonderful if you saved someone with that kind of name but unfortunately, it seems like your the one needing saving."

The tip of her fingers twitched so I assumed she was gonna try to escape or something along those lines. I can't have the leaf village try to kill me this early on. Which would be a pain. So, I did what a logical person would do, I brought the bone down and stabbed the Anbu's neck. I guess an Anbu will become a normal person once most of their ribs are broken. 

When stabbing her, I made sure to keep one foot on the closest arm so in case she tries to fight back I at least I know. After a few wiggles, I put the bone back in my inventory and step back. As more and more blood gushed out, the health bar decreased in length. That was when I noticed a paper bomb being pulled out. It was also the time the bomb started burning. 

"Thanks, but no thanks."

'I don't like dying.'

I bent down and touched the burning paper and placed it in my inventory. Thank god my five-year-old self found out that you can stop a paper bomb even when mid ignition. A few seconds later her health reached zero. She died. I think. 

"So, what was that about?"

"Well, you looked like you were gonna take a while, so I decided to step in. The reinforcement that'll be here in some time. When they come here, I'll be basically useless. Since I want to prove myself useful, I want to get out of here."

The only reason I was able to kill the Anbu was because I was lucky. If I stay here and fight an Anbu, I'll be deader than dead. Besides, if I die, I'll have to go back to... When was the last time I saved? 

"Wouldn't it be a problem if the reinforcements recognize you and your cloak? If they do, then they'll look out for people with the same cloak as you. I believe it'll be a hindrance to the organization you are in?"

I'm pretty sure he thinks I fight too much. But then again, liars talk a lot to seem convincing, and I'm trying to sound convincing so I don't have to fight.         

"What makes you think reinforcements will come?"

"I'm sure you heard the whistle-like sound before you two started fighting. That's a signal for nearby Anbu's. Since they're Anbu's they'll be here in a short while. Isn't that a good enough reason to leave?"

"I suppose."

"So, are we leaving?"

A few moments of silence passed before he started walking in the opposite direction of the leaf village. Mentally sighing in relief, I looked around for the object I threw. A few feet away from me, I saw the temari I stole from one of the villages. I placed the ball back in the inventory and followed Kisame. After a few feet, I looked to see how much chakra I have left. And it wasn't much. I needed to unsummon Rumi.

"I don't have much chakra left so see you sometime later." 

"Alright. Also, make sure to cut your hair."

I gave her a weird look before unsummoning her. 

So Habu's name is Rato Sukue. ラト スクエ is Rato Sukue in Japanese, which is エクストラ fliped with a space in between. エクストラ is extra in Japanese. Which means cannon fodder.  Also, am I the only one that read Sukue as Sasuke for some reason?  

カグヤの白兎 (The white hare of Kaguya) is a rip off of a story from the kojiki. 'A kojiki is an early chronicle of myths, legends, genealogies, and semi-historical accounts up to the year 641. The story I ripped offed was called 'Hare of Inaba'.

Also, also, when was the last time something was saved to the save files? I can't seem to find it nor remember where to find it. Also, is Kisame way too OOC? If so, I'm sorry. I don't know how characters I don't own will act when in these kinds of scenarios. 

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