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Once the smoke clears the first thing I see are blue butterflies flying around me. I stare at the flying creatures in awe. I stick a finger out and watch as a butterfly that's slightly bigger than the ones surrounding me land it.

I eye the butterfly on my finger taking in the appearance. Every few seconds its steel blue and slightly forest green tainted wings flutter allowing me to view its beautiful wings. A few seconds pass with me staring at the butterfly. My staring must've made it uncomfortable because it spoke shocking me.

"Hello, are you the one that summoned us?" Asked a silk-like voice.

"I think so..." I said as I recovered from the shock.

"Is that so... Well then, who may you be?"

"I'm Kanna of the Kaguya clan."

"The Kaguya clan? As in the descendants of the rabbit goddess, Kaguya?" The voice said with slight shock.

"Yes, is there something wrong with that?" I asked with confusion.

"No. I'm just shocked that someone from the Kaguya clan doesn't have their minacious chakra signature."

Hearing this I was shocked. Not knowing what to say next I stayed there staring at the butterfly on my fingertip. We stayed quiet with the slight wind from the other butterflies around us blowing my hair gently.

"So what's your name?"

"My name? I do not remember such a thing..." It spoke with slight sadness.

"You don't remember?" I asked with my head tilted.

"Yes, it's been so long since I had last heard my name."

"Then can I name you in exchange for you becoming my main summon?"

"A name in exchange for a contract?"

"Yes! Even if you don't want to be my summon you can take the name if you want to since you took time off of your life to talk to me."

"It's been a while since I have last met a human this nice... Alright, I shall accept."

"Ok then! From now on your name will be Rumi!" I exclaimed with glee.

"Doesn't that mean Lapiz lazuli?"

"Yes! The color of your wings reminds me of that. It's really pretty!"

"Is that so. Then from now on my name shall be Rumi, Kaguya Kanna's main summon."

"Thank you! So now that we got the name business down let's go into the contract details."

"Ah, so your aware."

"Yes, I'm not an idiot you know."

"I am aware of that. Let's start with the aftercare. I would appreciate it if you can get me some flowers after you summon me."

"Flowers, got it."

"Next is your ambition. What do you wish to be able to do during your time alive?"

After Rumi asked this I stayed quiet not knowing what to say. Knowing getting out of here wasn't was an option. I was wondering if answering that question later was an option. So I decided to ask.

"Can I answer that question at a later date? I really don't know what I want to do with my life yet. Since I'm four and all."

"I understand, I might've gone too fast. Your still young, and the young are supposed to be having fun and playing around not find a will to live."

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