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Rumi didn't know which one was worse. Being told to tell someone their sister is 'dead' or listening to someone with a plan that she doesn't know the full details of. Despite wondering about what's good and bad, she didn't care. She just wants some flowers and a vacation.

Mentally sighing, she flew to an even higher altitude. High enough for her to see the terrain more but low enough that she can see through the mist. A few minutes passed and she saw no signs of movement. As she was about to fly up, she saw something heading to the gate. So, she flew down to see who or what it is. As she was flying down, she caught sight of a boy with long white hair. And immediately she recognized him as Kimimaro.

She watched as he widened his eyes than almost run through the gate. Almost. He stopped before he set foot in the compound. He instead, reached into the right sleeve of his Haori and fished out a piece of paper with some writing on it. Rumi was confused by his actions. Who pulls a piece of paper out? Not her. But her confusion was short-lived because when he applied it to his right arm and disappeared from her sight, she finally understood what that piece of paper was.

Mentally sighing, she tried to locate him but couldn't. Why? Because of these two things. The seal and Kimimaro's depleted chakra reserve. So, she flew towards the house since she was sure he was going to be there sooner or later. As she flew towards the house, she tried hard not to cringe. A butterfly might not have the same vision as a human, but they sure can see if something is dead or not. And the amount of dead bodies is not a joke. It exceeds the living by three to one. Not a pretty sight.

But right now, was not the time to cringe at the dead bodies. She had to complete a task. So, she ignored the increasing bodies and headed to the house. Once she found the house, she flew down. And as she flew down, she once again had to try not to cringe. But this time it was the smell. She didn't even land anywhere near a puddle of blood and she can smell it. The strong metallic smell of blood.

She hesitated for a few seconds before flying down. Ignoring the smell. Once she entered the house, she ignored the overwhelming smell of blood and looked for Kimimaro. Which didn't take long, he was standing by the sink in shock. Some might ask why can she see him now? Well, it's because he took the seal off. But going back, she already saw this when the smell wasn't this strong, so she flew over him and headed to the room.

And she must say, he took his sweet time. It took him more than a few minutes to get to the room and by then, she was bored. She watched as he stopped where the trail of blood is and widen his eyes once again. Then he made a bone which slightly surprised her since this was the first time she saw this but she thought nothing more of it. And as he was about to run somewhere, she stopped him.

"Where do you think you're going." She stated more than questioned.

He flinched and looked around, trying to find whoever spoke to him. He saw a blue butterfly but ignored it, cus when did butterflies start talking. And when he couldn't find who talked, he turned to the butterfly for some reason, expecting another comment or two. And he did get a comment.

"I'm going to ask you once again, where do you think you're going."

And he was flabbergasted. Who wouldn't be when an insect that's not supposed to talk, talk? So, like what every person does when they encounter an unknown, he put his guard up. Seeing him put his guard up, Rumi just had to mentally sigh.

"It's been a while, so I'm not surprised that you don't remember me."

Listening to the familiar but yet unfamiliar voice, he racked his brain for an answer. After a few moments of silence, he faintly recalled a butterfly that looked similar to the one in front of him. And after another few seconds, a light bulb light above his head.

"Your Rumi-san, Kan-nee's summon!"

"Indeed, I am."

"If you're here does that mean Kan-nee is ok?"

Rumi didn't answer and the atmosphere seemed to sadden. Fake sadness, of course, she knows that Kanna's alive. The saddened atmosphere seemed to last for some time before it was broken by Rumi.

"I would be honest; I do not know. But before we got separated, she was alright."

And she wasn't lying. She was alive and kicking. Well enough to be kicking other people's buckets.

"She tasked me to make sure you're alright and if you are, to get you to someplace safe."

She wasn't sure if Kanna was genuine about this one. She did tell her to act so she probably wasn't.

"Now that I've found you, all I need to do is to get you out of here. Then find her."

She didn't need to find her, she just added that for effect. Kanna can just summon her. The boy's spirit seemed to brighten at the fact that his sister might be alive. But it dulled when he recalled the puddle and trail of blood.

"What about Hatsu-san?"

"She was killed before I was summoned."

Another truth. The last one before the lie. Tears welled in his eyes and the area around them saddened once again. She was sure if she talked about again, he might do something rash.

"Let's go."

Wordlessly, he nodded before applying the seal on his arm. A few moments passed and he disappeared from her view. She flew around where he was standing and then flew out of the room then out the house. She trusted him. So, she flew out of the house, down the street, pass the pile of bodies, then out of the gate. Up the hill that was near the compound and then to the part that let's one see the whole compound. She doesn't know if he actually followed her or not, so she just waited for him to take the seal off.

And he took the seal off. He took the seal off with a grief-stricken look. She didn't speak. She just let him mourn or whatever he's doing right now. While he was doing whatever he was doing, she watched as they dragged bodies after bodies to the middle of what used to be the marketplace. She wasn't sure, but it looked like it was one. After a few minutes, they stopped bringing bodies over. Instead of leaving as she thought, they formed a ring around the pile of bodies.

Now she was confused. But she became even more confused when they started forming hand signs. But her confusion was dissolved when the ninjas breathe fire and set the corpses on fire before they all disappeared.

She was not going to question why they left the fire burning but she didn't question it. Fire doesn't last long in the land of water. So, she flew down and landed on Kimimaro's head.

"I have something important to tell you."

He didn't answer and just stared at the blazing fire.

"I lied about Kanna being alive. After she gave me the task, a Kiri nin found her."

"I figured."

"Ah, then easier for me to tell you. Since she's dead her chakra is no more. I'm probably going to have to go back to my domain soon."

"Is that so..."

"Yes, take care and farewell."

With that, she unsummoned herself leaving Kimimaro to stare at the burning fire.

*I don't know but for some reason I was cringing when I was writing this. But putting that aside, I made Rumi have temporarily talk no jutsu. It's also because I was too lazy to make myself to write. So, ya sorry for the late chapter. Was too lazy to write.* 

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