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Landing on my feet, I stay still for a few seconds before standing up. Staring ahead, I stared at the half-built raft. Walking up to the raft, I look around an open space. Once finding a place, I open my inventory up and take out the five logs that are in there. As soon as I select the or logs, the inventory and main menu close and the logs appeared in front of me.

Infusing a little bit of chakra to my foot, I kicked four logs away. Now directing my chakra to the arm, I bend down to pick up. I struggled for a few seconds before I channeled more chakra to my arm. Picking the log up, I slowly walk forward. After a few steps, I placed the log down next to the other ones. Pushing it so it will be aligned with it, I channel more chakra to my arm. Once the logs were aligned with each other, I placed my hands on my hips and heaved out a sigh.

Twisting my back to the left, I sigh in relief as my spine loosens. Doing the same once more, I listen to the lovely sound of the spine cracking. With a pleased smile, I look down at the logs before sighing. I open the inventory and look for the wooden planks I stole. Selecting the planks, I watch as they appear from thin air in front of me.

Picking up one plank of wood, I throw it in the direction of the logs. Once the extra piece of wood was gone, I picked two up and then headed to the front. Once there, I sat down on the ground and placed the wood on the logs. Going back into my inventory, I pulled out a pile of rope, which I also stole.

Once the rope was in front of me, I placed it on my lap and then proceeded to take one of the planks and shove it under the logs. Well, tried. It only went under one. Frowning, I channeled chakra to my hands, mostly my fingertips, and lifted the second log before quickly trying to push the plank under the second one. Keyword, tried. I needed to channel chakra there too.

I repeated the process until the plank of wood was underneath the logs. Cracking my knuckles, I sat down to take a rest. Looking up to look at my status bar, especially my chakra bar, and I cringed at how dangerously low my chakra level is. Sighing, once again I stand up and decide to finish the raft tomorrow.

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The next day I went back to the cave to finish building the raft. While heading there a thought popped into my head. Actually, a lot of thoughts and ideas popped into my head. Most of them were ideas for seals. But some were different. Example?

'If I were to extract some Hyuga/Senju/Uchiha/Uzumaki DNA then mixing the DNA into mine. Enough for me to keep my original DNA structure but enough for me to have their DNA structure implanted or mixed into mine. Preferably, I would like to get my hands on Senju or Uzumaki DNA then implant Hyuga or Uchiha DNA. That way, I might be able to get my hands on the Rinnegan and even if I fail, I will have the DNA of two clans with op skills. With enough research, I might be able to become stronger and live longer.

Now that I think about it, the Otsutsuki clan is the progenitor of the Hyuga, Kaguya, Senju, Uchiha, and Uzumaki clans. Meaning that essentially, those five clans are somewhat part Otsutsuki. If my theory is correct, if I get enough part Otsutsuki DNA in me, I can (In theory) have enough DNA to count as an Otsutsuki. If that succeeds, then in theory once again, be able to access some of the skills that the Otsutsuki or Kaguya had.

If I can get my hands on some Uchiha and Uzumaki DNA then I might be able to recreate the Rinnegan. Senju and Uchiha will probably have the same result. Hyuga and Otsutsuki DNA might let me get the Tenseigan. I don't know about other combinations but those are the ones that came into mind.

So, when the Uchiha massacre happens, I should nab some Sharingan and Uchiha DNA. For the Hyuga, I'll just kidnap a branch member and then release the seal on their forehead before plucking their eye out. Senju, I'll try to find Tsunade. If I can't, I'll try to get my hands on some Hashirama cells. As for the Uzumaki, there's still three alive Uzumaki's left to extract DNA from. My future boss, Orochimaru's experiment, and Kurama's container. I'm sure if one doesn't work then the others will.'

Nodding to my thought, I dismiss the notification screen already knowing what it's about. Jumping down the hole, I channel small amounts of chakra to my feet to soften the landing. Standing up, I heave out a sigh before walking over to the raft. Grabbing the plank of wood off of the ground, I placed it on top of the front of the raft. Then I sat on the plank before reaching for a rope. Once the rope was in my possession, I slipped it under the plank that I shoved under logs yesterday. Once it was under the plank, I brought the ends of the rope up and tied it. Once the front right side of the finished, I turned towards the front left side to do the same.

Scooting over to the left side, I was careful not to move the plank I was scooting on. Once on the left side, I looked around for a rope, and thankfully, there was one at arm's reach. Smiling, I grab it before turning to the left side. Repeating what I did for the right side I hope that this will work. Once I was done tying the rope, I slowly stood up, scared of it falling apart. I stood there for a few minutes staring at the ropes and planks. After a few minutes, I sighed in relief. Happy that it worked.

Smiling, I hurried over to the backside to repeat what I did for the front side. I shoved the plank of wood under the logs. Placed one on top of the logs. Tied the right. Tied the left. Then stared at it for a few seconds before the notification went off. Hearing the notification off, I looked up with a smile.

[She is free: Complete

Reward: +200 EXP and +5 on all stats

Unlocked: World map]

Patting myself on the back I dismiss the screen and turn to the raft. After staring at it for a few more moments, I grin before touching it to place it in my inventory. 

*My computer is finally working! So here are the chapters from last week.* 

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