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"So, how was it?" The old man next to him asked.

"We weren't able to find much. All footage they're recorded on doesn't show anything other than their attire and the general direction they headed. We speculate they are a female but other than that, we aren't sure..."

"I see, thank you for the report."

After a short bow, the Anbu that just reported stepped back and stood next to their fellow Anbu's. Then another Anbu stepped forward.

"We've looked into people who've entered and exited the village but none had white or similar colored hair. With that, we deduced that they entered the village unauthorized."

He stared at the Anbu stating the obvious. Natural white hair or any hair color near that part of the color spectrum is rare, so if they do enter it won't be easily forgotten. And the fact that they were able to enter the village without being noticed means that the guards that are patrolling are lacking. He'll need to place some of his men so something like this won't happen again.

"After some investigation, we learned that a genin that was patrolling the land of Hot Spring borders was killed during duty, and strands of similar colored hair were found near his body. We suspect that they are connected somehow so we requested permission to view the reports. If it is proven that the two are related, what should we do?"

"When that is the case... Write a report and look into anyone who has white or similar colored hair."

He could hear the hesitation in his voice. He's too kind.

"I'll decide what to do later on."

Just by looking at the footage, anyone can tell that the person in question is a child. Most likely a female. He knows that once they find the culprit they'll have to kill them, and the old man beside him doesn't like doing that. After all, he constantly preaches that the young are to be protected and that they are the future.

He'll try to spare them. But he knows that it's something he can't do since they've killed two people. Two people with possible families. And the families won't be happy when their child's killer does not have justice served. But he could care less. 

With that, that matter was put aside. And another topic was brought up.

"There was only one survived."

He knew what they were talking about so he stood up. That attracted everyone's attention.

"I have other matters to attend to. I'll listen to the report later on."

With that, he exited the room and headed to his base. After walking past many dark and murky hallways, he stopped in front of a wall. After forming a sign, the wall rippled and then he walked through it. The second he stepped into the well-light room past the wall, a person in all black with a mask landed in front of him. 

"Reporting to lord Danzō, we've extracted the Sharingans from the elders and some of the more notable Uchiha's. The Sharingan's are all in the place where you told us to place. And we've also burned everything that will connect Habu to Root."

With a quick glance, he dismissed the Anbu and walked further into the room. He had things to do. And by things, he means shoving more eyeballs into his arm. 


The footage was reviewed many times but no matter what angle they look at it, no one can see their face. They traced the traces of chakra left but there wasn't much they could do. The amount of chakra was too little for them to trace back and it soon disappeared. The only thing they could say for certain was that the person that killed the Anbu was the same person that killed the genin. 

The second they received the pieces of hair they sent it to available scientists. While it was being tested many Anbu's who were involved in the investigation began to talk among themselves. 

"They're probably the clan killer's accomplice."

"I think so too, there's too much happening that it's impossible to say it's a coincidence."

"He probably found someone to divert the investigators' attention to something else."

"He probably was trying to blame the distraction so he can get away with everything he did."

"If that's the case, he failed to do so since we have a witness."

After a few hours, the results were handed to the Hokage. And after a long meeting discussing about the lack of evidence, the crimes, and the possible connection between the killer and clan killer. Two new entries were added to the land of fire bingo book. The clan killer Itachi and Shirakami. 

Ya, Habu was a part of Root. But she was dismissed because no matter what training she takes, she was still too emotional. The reason why she joined team Rō was so she can keep an eye on Yamato.
I don't know how to explain the DNA with hair thing so here's the link.
It's not really reliable but it's still something. 
Shirakami is a combination of White and Hair. It's the title if you didn't notice. Shirakami can also be misinterpreted as White God if you guess the kanji. It's also a mountainous wilderness area in Akita and Aomori. But you have to add Sanchi to the end to see it on the maps.  

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