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Tenko lied through its teeth once again. As if it was going to just tell someone it's or the host's name. It's not an idiot. It's not a certain someone.

It quickly unsummoned the swarm, excluding Rumi. Turning around it smiled brightly, just like her.

"Rumi! Rumi! Aren't I amazing?!"


It pouted before turning back to Konan.

"Before we head to Genjutsu tree village, I need to use the restroom."

With that, it ran off before Konan could say anything. Alone, Konan sighed wondering if her choice is right. She could've tortured or used Genjutsu... Now that thinks about it, aren't those two things the same? But that's beside the point, she could've done those two but for some reason, she couldn't. Those thoughts went as soon as she thought of them. It was weird.

Putting those thoughts aside, she headed in the direction which Tenko, or in her case, Tsubaki went.

She still didn't trust her. After all who the hell will when someone comes up to you and then starts telling you everything you need to know to catch the people, you're after. Ya, definitely suspicious.

Konan found Tsubaki Ukiyo yokan. She was asking if she could use the restroom which the innkeeper allowed. A few minutes later she came back out and something was different. She yawned. She muttered something along the lines of being tired then opened her eyes. Her previously pupil-less eyes now supported pupils. And she seemed to be on edge when she saw her. They stared at each other for a few seconds before Tsubaki spoke.

"Now let's go Konan-san."

Her words were tooth rottenly sweet. Something which was different from the Tsubaki a few minutes ago. She considered someone transformed as her but that wasn't possible. She watched as she entered the restroom and as she exited. The only people at the entrance of the inn was her, Tsubaki, the innkeeper, and Rumi. Her and Rumi's chakra signature was the same. Konan stared at her for a few more moments before concluding that she was surprised to see her waiting for her. It was a logical reason, after all, people normally don't expect a stranger to wait for them.


I internally panicked as I felt Konan glare at my back. I was wondering if I or the system said something wrong. Did she find out the system was lying to her? Is she thinking about killing me after she thought over it and thought how ridiculous it is for her to listen to me? Many thoughts and scenarios ran through my head. Trying to figure out what made her want to glare at my back.

'System, what the hell did we do wrong?'

[Nothing, she is just thinking.]

'Thinking about what?! About killing me?'

[No. And why are you worried about her killing you? You will be able to respawn when you are killed.]

'I just don't want to do whatever the hell you decided to do. It'll be such a pain in the ass.'

[It's quite easy.]

'Ya, no.'

With that, I finished our conversation and turned to Konan. Tilting my head, I stared at her. Her stare sent shivers down my spine and I didn't like it. Probably because this was the first time, I ever felt something close to fear. It was a new concept to me. After all, I didn't have any encounters with an S-ranked ninja that can kill me with a snap of their fingers.

"Are you coming Konan-san?" I asked, overly sweetly.

Another few seconds passed by before she wordlessly started walking. Taking that as a 'yes' I started walking. We wordlessly walked through the village and out of the gate without being stopped or being detected.

Another thing that felt weird. Walking through the gates. It was probably because I sneak in and out of every village I decide to enter. We walked down paths that normal people walk on. It once again felt weird. I usually walk a few yards away from paths, so I won't be seen and the only time I walk on it is when I don't sense anyone near me.

Everything we did was out of my comfort zone. Perhaps because I am paranoid. Paranoid of coming across someone stronger than me, someone that I can't take out with an element of surprise, anything that I can't control. Perhaps that's why I keep a good six feet between myself and Konan.

(No, this is not because I believe she has covid.)

A few hours have passed since we started heading towards the Genjutsu tree village. We've been walking at a pretty fast pace. Another thing I'm not used to. We haven't spoken a word. Which is pretty awkward for me at least. So to pass time, I asked the system some questions.

'Who the hell is Kandachi?'

[The right-hand man of Hanzō.

He first appeared in Naruto Shippuden episode 187 when Jiraiya and Naruto headed to Genjutsu tree village so Naruto can hone his Genjutsu breaking skills. They then find out that the village has been taken over by Kandachi and his group. Which leads to one long episode of fighting.]

'Shouldn't we leave them alone then? After all, there's a reason they're alive.'

[He doesn't have to be alive. The whole reason they headed there was so Naruto can practice Genjutsu breaking. As long as the trees are standing then we have nothing to worry about.

Though, I'm sure host doesn't care if Naruto can break Genjutsu or not.]

'Your right, I don't care. I just don't want the world not going canon. After all, I don't know anything about the canon diverged world.'

[Is that so...]


With that, the conversation ended. I sighed and looked at the map. We were halfway there which meant another few hours of agonizing silence. At that moment, I started wishing that phones are a thing in this world. It would certainly be useful right about now.

Sighing, I decided to have my meal of the day. I pulled out an apple and started eating. As I was eating, I saw Konan watching me out of the corner of her eyes. I stopped eating and stared at her.

"Do you want one?"

"No thank you."

With that, I went back to eating and watching the sunset. 

A way to distinguish Tenko and Kanna is by looking in their eyes. When it's Tenko, the eyes become pupil-less and when it's Kanna, she has pupils. 

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