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A year passed since Kimimaro was taken away by Hoka. Despite my effort to smile, I couldn't. Before he was taken I thought that even if he is taken not much will change but my emotions proved me wrong. I guess spending four years together could change my thought. As I was drowning in my depressing thoughts a notification for a quest appeared. Sighing, I mutter the commands out and check out the quest the system assigned me.

[Show the love... 

Objective: Find and talk to Kimimaro

Quest reward: +20 relations for Kimimaro, +100 EXP

Quest failure: -20 relations for Kimimaro

Time limit: 24 hours]

'Oh... Thank you system...'

Closing the main menu I stand up from the zabuton and headed to my room. Once I got to my room I sat down and bit my thumb, swiped the blooded thumb on my left hand, doing the signs, then placed my left hand on the ground in front of me. As soon as I did that smoke filled the room and once it cleared Rumi was there. I outstretched my hand and stuck a finger out so she can land there. Once Rumi was on my finger I went right to the point.

"Rumi can you find someone for me?"

"I can try, but I won't grantee a success."

Standing up I looked around the room trying to find something that will have Kimimaro's chakra still on it. Since I couldn't find any I headed to his closet and looked for something he wore often. Once I found the haori he wore quite a lot, I sat down and placed the haori in front of me. Rumi then flew down and walked on the article of clothing for a minute or two before flying back onto my finger.

"Was this enough for you to find his chakra?"

"This is where he lived, right?"

"Ya, what about it?" I asked her confused.

"I'll have to go outside and to track his chakra. The chakra inside this house is interfering with my ability to track his chakra outside of the house."

"So, you'll have to go outside to find him?"

"Yes, I just said that a few seconds ago.

"I know, just making sure."

"Whatever makes you sleep at night. Putting that aside why do you need me to find whoever you need me to find?"

"I miss him."

Rumi said nothing else and flew off of my hand and out of the room. Sighing I stand up and stretched. Looking around the room I wondered if I should take somethings to him. Sighing once again I decided that I should. Thirty minutes have passed since Rumi went out to find Kimimaro while I looked around the room to find stuff to take to him. While I was looking around I found the flower book the Hatsu gave Kimimaro on our late birthday. Not knowing when Rumi will come back I opened the book to quickly look through it before going back to find things to give him.

But it didn't go as planned. Once I started reading I couldn't stop. Before reading the book I really didn't care about flowers since to me they were too girly but now they're interesting. Not only because they can be made into poison but also because of the meanings and what kinds of effect those flowers have when placed in a room. I must've been too engrossed in the book because I didn't notice Rumi flying back in the room.

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