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A few hours have passed since I started flying. And I must say, it's better than walking. Not only do I have to not worry about becoming too tired, but I also don't have to worry about crossing paths with other people and animals. But when there are pros there are also cons. The bad thing about this is the wind. Never have I before flew against strong gusts of wind, especially since wind is almost non-existent in the land of water.

When my chakra levels became low, I flew down and looked around for a place to rest. There wasn't a cave or village nearby, so I had to land on a tree branch that looked strong to hold me. Once on the branch, I canceled the transformation Jutsu. Unsurprisingly, as soon as I dispelled the Jutsu I almost fell off of the branch. That was one of the few problems with jutsus that will change your appearance to one of other creatures. You wouldn't know what would happen until you dispel the Jutsu.

Once I was sitting properly on the branch, I opened the inventory to get food. Instead of grabbing the semi-fresh produce, I was supposed to eat today, I grabbed a fresh one. The reason being that eating anything other than fresh will probably result in dehydration. Once I was done eating, I stretched and closed my eyes to sleep.

A few hours later I woke up on the ground. I was not surprised due to the fact that I slept on a branch. I tried to push myself up, but my left arm hurt badly. So instead of using my left, I used my right to sit up. Once I was sitting up, I tried to move my left arm. Unsurprisingly, it didn't move. Since I didn't know what happened, I asked the system.

'System, why does my left arm hurt?'

[Because it's broken.]

'Oh... Then why did I not wake up?'

[You did. But you just shrugged it off and went back to sleep.]

'Oh... Thanks for telling me.'

After thanking the system, I stared at my left arm wondering what to do. Moments later, I had an idea for what to do. I produced a bone from my left arm with my Shikotsumyaku ability and out came a broken bone. I was delighted to know that broken bones aren't something I should worry about with this kekkei Genkai. I discarded the bone and moved my left arm around. Once I was sure there were no more broken bones, I transformed into the butterfly from the day before and flew off.

Midday, I was almost out of chakra, so I had to dispel the Jutsu. This time, instead of landing on a branch, I landed on the ground. I rested for a few minutes, even if I was using chakra, it's still tiring. Once I was done resting, I started walking. Even if the time it takes to get to the border was cut in half, I still have things to do once I get there and the sooner I get there the quicker I can get it done.

An hour passed and I crossed paths with a fucking ninja. We stared at each other for a few seconds before I continued walking. As I was walking past him, no it wasn't Hidan, he stepped in front of me and stopped me.

"What are you doing here alone?" I stayed silent because I honestly didn't know what to say.

"Are you ok?" Once again, I stayed silent.

'System what should I do?'

[There are two things Host can do. The first is to run. This option will lead the ninja to follow Host. The second is to make the ninja stay quiet. This option will lead to other ninjas look for Host, but since they do not know Host's face, they can do nothing.]

'So, you're suggesting killing him.'

[I never said that I only suggested making the ninja stay quiet.]

'There are only three ways to make a fucking ninja stay quiet. Two which I cannot do, leaving only one option.'

[Is that so... So, Host is going to choose the last option?]

'Yes, what else am I supposed to do?'

Once I was finished with choosing what to do, I looked up and smiled at the ninja. He probably didn't understand why I smiled when I was ignoring him all this time. His confused expression slowly changed into one of shock than anger. He tried to grab me but before he could touch me, my chakra infused kick contacted his stomach. He flew only a few feet back which wasn't surprising due to the fact I don't have much chakra right now.

He reached for his kunai holster with his non-dominate hand and threw the Kunai at me. I didn't dodge it and instead ran straight at him. The kunai nicked my cheek, but I paid no heed to it, instead I produced another bone and tried to stab the ninja. He dodged. He grabbed another kunai and ran towards me. I let the bone go and once again, ran towards him. Once I was in stabbing length, he brought the kunai down and stabbed my shoulder, I bit the inside of my mouth to stop myself from whimper out of pain. I produced another bone and stabbed his stomach once again.

I let the bone go and jumped back. Pulling the kunai out I wince in pain. As he was pulling the bone out, I ran towards him and when he looked up, I jumped forward and stabbed his neck. He fell back and once his back contacted the ground I moved the kunai around to mess his neck up. I moved his hand towards me, but I hit it away from myself. A few seconds passed and he stopped moving.

[+50 EXP]

Heavily breathing, I stepped away from his body. A few moments passed before I calmed down. Once calm, I walked back to his body and placed the kunai in the inventory. Then I took the Kunai holster from him and threw it to the side. I then searched his body to see if he had anything useful. After a few minutes, I had a small box full of military rations pill, a kunai holster with two dozen kunai's in it, and some money.

The money disappeared once I touched them. Turns out I have my own bank. I stored the rations in the inventory and held onto the kunai holster. I started walking away from the ninja but stopped and turned around.

"I'm sorry."

Once Iapologized, I continued walking. 

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