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Day 1 of being grounded

For the first day of being grounded, I dedicated it to producing bones out of every possible part of my body. I was quite disappointed when I found out I couldn't pull out my spine. Actually, I was severely disappointed that most of the bones I wanted to pull out were, not available.

The types of bone I managed to create before collapsing from excessive chakra loss were the Ulna, Radius, and Humerus. Basically, the three bones that make up the arm.

Day 2 of being grounded

The second day went on with me asking questions to the system.

'If I have a tailed beast sealed in me, do they see what I see or do they not?'

[Good question. The answer is no, they do not see anything that will involve the system. The worst-case scenario, which I'm sure it's not that bad is that you will look like an idiot by clicking your tongue, sighing, or glaring at thin air.]

'Is it possible to legitimately die?'

[This answer is currently unable.]

'Is it possible to obtain a Kekkei Mora or Kekkei Tota?'

[Yes. There are two ways to obtain those two. One way is by the ability shop, and the other is by naturally acquiring it.]

'Once I join the Akatsuki, will my level cap be removed?'

[Yes, we talked about this yesterday.]

'What's your name?'

[System ID: Tenko

Code:637 13]

'Can I fuck the plot up?'

[You already are.]

'Do the movies happen?'


'What kind of things could be stored in the inventory?'

[Inanimate objects such as dead bodies, food, kunai's, and many more. You can also store animated objects or better known as living things such as plants, animals, and humans (You are able to store humans that have a lower level than you). Your current inventory cap is 20, and your item cap is 5.]

After I was done asking questions, I sat down in lotus position before I started meditating.

Day 3 of being grounded

On my third day, I read about medical ninjutsu. Why? Because I wanted to increase the number of skills I have. And reading through the book about medical ninjutsu, I was shocked at how advanced it was. In all honesty, I was expecting it to be simple instructions about how to reset broken bones, a drawing of the human body, and maybe how to cure some diseases. But what I read pretty much shocked me.

There was detailed information not only on the body structure of the human body but much more than I expected. Some of the things I read about was, about a few chronic health conditions, how to cure chakra poisoning, how to identify poison in another's body, and how to make setting bones not that painful. There was also information on how to heal cuts, stabs, and infections with chakra.

Day 4 of being grounded

On the fourth day, I didn't have anything to do. So, I started listing the types of seals I wanted to create. No. Not want, will create.

[Body barrier seal – You've got a Sakura after your ass? Well shit. Have this seal applied, before battle, on your preferred body part and that parts covered! Derived from the Barrier talisman: Armored eye. Something like this might already exist but who the hell cares.

Chakra draining seal: improved version – A seal that can drain chakra. Unlike the original one that Kabuto uses; the user doesn't have to sit down. Want to drain someone's chakra until they die? Use this. In a pinch and need to stop a Chidori that's heading to you? Use this. Naruto's mad and went super Saiyan(Sage)? Use this. You don't have chakra but a tailed beast for some reason is beside you? Use this. Derived from the Chakra draining seal and many more. Something like this might exist but who the hell cares.

Heavenly star seal – Are you in a pinch and a Sasuke is heading your way? Fear not! With this seal, you can make your own black hole(Kind of). Same shit as Chibaku Tensei but you don't have to use a Rinnegan.

Soul consumption seal – You have a Kakashi heading your way? Don't worry! With this seal, you can call upon the Shinigami and kill him. What did you say? Am I gonna die with it? Lmao. No, you won't die. Unlike the dead demon consuming seal, you won't die. Why? Well because you're gonna sacrifice someone. Derived from the dead demon consuming seal.

Takamahara – You've got a Nagato after your ass? No worries! With this seal, you can teleport your ass to your own dimension(s). How cool is that?! Derived from the Yomotsu Hirasaka.

Split summoning seal – You're in a fight and you're summon is gonna get cut in half by a Zabuza? It's ok! Apply this seal to your summon(s), before battle, lo and behold you're summon gets cut but multiplies. Have fun and annoy your enemy with this seal. Derived from the Amplification summoning technique. Just don't run out of chakra!

Chakra neutralization seal – You've got Uchiha fucking Madara after you? Well, fucking shit. But it's ok. Apply this seal to your weapon of choice, before battle, and whatever the hell he spews/throws/spawns after you will be blocked. But be careful, if it's too high of a Jutsu like I don't know AMATERASU or ULTRA BIG BALL RASENSHURIKEN then you fucked.

Chakra amplification seal – You've got Samehada fused Kisame after you? Well hell, fucking damn it. Use this! Apply seal, before battle, to your preferred body part and then apply chakra draining seal, also before battle, and then head out to battle! What does this do? It stores chakra of course, like the Byakugo. But for this one, you don't need chakra control. The three things you need are chakra, chakra draining seal, and patience. And vwa-lah, you've got your own rip off Byakugo!

Sensing blockage seal – You've got a shit ton of Sharingans on your arm and don't want the Hyuga on patrol to know? Well, it's ok. Wrap your arm with bandages then apply this seal to said bandage and wa-la! You won't have to explain why the hell you've got a shit ton of Sharingans on your arm.]

Reading back, I wondered why I wrote it like I'm advertising.

Day 5 of being grounded

On the fifth day, I decided to start trying to make one of the seals I wrote down the day before. The one I'm trying to make? The sensing blockage seal of course. Don't want to accidentally blow the whole compound to the pure land.

Day 6 of being grounded

Unsurprisingly, I'm still working on the seal from the day before.

Day 7 of being grounded

On the last day, I meditated to increase my chakra reserve and also to clear my head. Too many things were floating around. And it seemed like I meditated for quite some time that I got a new skill that's literally called 'Meditation'.

All in all, the week that I was grounded was a good thing. I've got three new skills which are medicine, medical ninjutsu, and meditation. New ideas for seals, and slightly bigger chakra. Meditation only increased my chakra reserve by 5 and I mediated for a whole day.

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