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The next morning I woke up a bit earlier than usual. Looking over to my right I saw a sleeping Kimimaro. Quickly but quietly, I got out of the futon before changing. Tiptoeing out of the silent house I headed to yesterday's cave. While heading there an idea popped into my mind.

'If I do recall correctly a Jinchuriki has a Bijū sealed in themselves. And having a Bijū sealed in themselves means they get more chakra. More chakra means you'll get stronger. Well, I guess that's not the case for every Jinchuriki. But still, even if your not in good terms with your Bijū you get power. So that means, if I manage to get a Bijū sealed in me I'll be a powerful kid. 

Oh! And having a Bijū in me will allow me to locate the other Bjiū's. Because if I do recall, Bijū's have a link despite being separated. So I need to hijack a Bijū's mind and try to locate or at least have contact with the other ones. After that, all I need to do is tell the Akatsuki the location, lo and behold I'm valuable and useful to them. If I'm going to seal a Bijū into myself I need to come up with a plan, which I'm good at.  

So first if I'm going to seal a Bijū, I need to figure out which one I'm going to seal inside of me... Most, no, all of the Bijū's are already sealed in someone... If I do recall Yagura get's killed and Isobu gets unsealed... I know! When Mei weakens Yagura to the point where he dies, I should jump into the fight, With a mask, and slap chakra suppressant seals and those chakra canceling chains or whatever those things are called. 

After I slap one or both of those on him. I should try to find a way to communicate with Isobu. But putting the way to communication aside. When I can communicate with Isobu I should try to find a mutual understanding with it. Should I say, If you let me seal a little part of you I'll let the other unsealed part go, or, In exchange for your freedom, you give me some of your power? Or just throw that thought into the trash and just transfer Isobu's chakra into mine no questions asked. Ya, the last options sound like me.

So I guess when Obito goes to fuck Kiri up, I should tag along and stay when Yagura's getting his ass beat. Once he's in his version 2, I slap a suppression seal on Mei then head towards Yagura and slap as much of the suppression seals as possible, with clones since it's a suppression seal. I doubt it's something I can just summon out of my ass and slap it on without concentrating.

After I slap those suppression seals on and he weakens or blacks out, I hightail my ass or asses in the case I have clones and go to a nearby field or lake since it's a giant ass turtle with spikes. Then seal that bitch inside of me. Now that I think about it would it hurt when they're extracting Isobu since I'll have it sealed in me? I hope not, I don't want them to find out I have it sealed in me. I guess I should skip the extraction of Isobu.'

Nodding to my thought I open my eyes to see that I arrived in front of the tree with the cave and also notice a screen.

[+11 for planning ahead.]

'Oh, sweet Jashin. I should plan ahead more often.'

Making the screen disappear I look down at the hole which leads to the cave I found yesterday. Carefully climbing over the roots I try to find something that would let me down and let me up. After finding nothing of use I carefully climbed/Jumped off of the root before looking around trying to find something like a huge stick or a vine.

Finding nothing useful I looked down at the cave-hole before sighing. Sitting down on the edge I slowly slid off of the edge. Once I was sure my arms are supposed to be not working, Because of the position of my arm, I jumped off. Landing on my knees with a soft thud it a second before my mind and body registered dull pain from my hands and knees. Breathing in and out slowly for a few seconds I waited for the pain to become duller. Once the pain was just a slight tingling sensation I stood up and moved my leg around to shake off the weird feeling.

Deciding that I should look around once again I headed into the cave. As I passed skeletons, upon skeletons I started to feel uneasy. Like the feeling, you feel when you get an allergic reaction and your throat and chest starts tightening. That feeling. Frowning at the all too feeling I look back at the direction I came back mentally debating if I should head back and try to find out what's causing this or to continue exploring.

After a few seconds, I choose the former option and continue on my merry way. After a few minutes, the uneasy feeling goes away, well almost. At the back of my mind, a voice is telling me to go back, run back, it's not too late yet. But I ignore it and continue on. Once I get to the place where the small body of water is supposed to be I notice that it's not there anymore. Well, the waterfall was still there but that's least of my concerns.

Heading to the place that's supposed to hole the body of water that mysteriously disappeared I noticed two holes. One had the waterfall flowing in and the other one was empty. Wondering why this happened I stood there with a confused expression. Until I remembered where I lived. 

'I'm ashamed at my level of idiocy. Kiri is located in an island nation. Meaning there are, no there is water surrounding it. When I last came here it was probably around high tide and right now it's low tide. If the water is gone that means it's probably connected to a body of water that's connected to the sea or it's connected to a cliff that's awfully close to the sea. Now that I've figured out what the hell happened to the water.

What the hell am I supposed to do now?' 

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