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"Seems like we were a bit too late."

With no sound, four masked individuals landed near the body. The one with purple hair walked over and checked the body. A few moments later, they stopped and turned towards the other three. 

"She's dead. The lower part of her spine is broken while most of her ribs are shattered. On top of that, she has a hole near her thyroid gland. From the state of her body, I can say that she died not that long ago."

There was a moment of silence before the one with the cow mask clicked their tongue. 

"It's the Uchiha bastard."

Hearing that, everyone turned to look at them. No one could disagree. He was the only one that they can think of. But that wasn't for long. 

"I don't think it's him." 

Now everyone's attention was on the Cat masked Anbu. 

"What do you mean?"

With no word, they walked over to the body but turned slightly to the left. They bent down and picked up something. Something thin and shiny. 

"How the hell does that prove it's not the Uchiha bastard." 

"Itachi is not the type of person to leave something like this. And in the case he did, it wouldn't be this obvious. Besides, the culprit did a sloppy job. I'm sure you can tell."

The cow mask clicked their tongue but didn't say anything else. A few moments passed before the fox masked Anbu sighed. 

"Tenzō, go report this to the Hokage. Kō, go find Sugaru. Inari, go back and check the security footage, then come back."

Wordlessly, the three disappeared and with a few hand signs, a puff of smoke appeared in front of the last Anbu.


I stared at the screen in front of me, not really knowing what to think. 

[A road...

Objective: Have the progress bar reach 100

Quest reward: Position as an Akatsuki associate

Quest failer: Death

Time limit: 1 month]

[Progress bar:

░░░░░░░░░░ 0%]

Mentally sighing, I wondered why I'm even here. Why I'm doing something stupid like trying to become an associate of the Akatsuki. Why did I think it was a good idea?... For some reason, I can't seem to remember why. 

Sighing once again, I pushed that thought to the back of my mind. I have other problems to deal with. Like my fractured shoulder and having the progress bar reach 100. The first one would be relatively easy since I can use the magical power of chakra. The problem lies in the second problem. I don't know what actions will fill the progress bar and what will decrease it.  

About a few hours passed since I started following Kisame and there's one thing I know. I'm tired. And that we're heading in the direction of kusagakure. But that's not important right now, what's important is that we've been walking nonstop for the last few hours. WITH NO REST! My legs are going to die today. I'm quite sure I lost 25% of the water in my body.

Sighing, I opened my inventory up and took out an apple. If I can't rest then I might as well eat. Then it might restore my stamina. And I was right, I felt a little bit of my strength returning. Once I was finished, I yawned and picked up my pace. 

Another few hours passed since I ate. During those few hours, I wasn't really sure why we were heading to the hidden grass but the second I crossed the border I found out the reason. 

[The rainbow man...

Objective: Find and eliminate Niji Shichiro

Quest reward: +10% progress

Quest failer: -20% progress

Time limit: 29 days and 19 hours]

Find and eliminate Niji Shichiro? Who the hell is he? She? I know that it's not a character from the original story, cus I'm sure I'll remember a character with a sure name called 'Raindow'. I sighed and looked around. We were still walking through a forest but I could tell that the trees are different. The air is dry, the temperature is rising, and I might die from heatstroke. 

When I looked forward, I noticed that Kisame stopped, so I quickened my pace and stopped once I was standing next to him. I kept some space between us since I didn't know if he might change his mind or not. 


With that, he handed me a piece of paper. There was a photo of some dude attached to it and some writing I can't read. 

'System, what does it say?'

[Niji Shichiro

37 years old

Curtain village - Land of Silence

Notes - Has six body doubles, Unknown nature, Attempted murder of notable merchants, Murder of a daughter of a merchant]

'If there's six then does it really count as body doubles?'

[Who knows.]

"So... Am I supposed to find him?"

"Yes, you said you'll be useful. So find him."

"Ok, so after that should I kill him? He did kill a daughter of a merchant."

"If you find him." 

 "Ok, understood!"

After taking a good look at his face, I gave the paper back to Kisame. I can feel him staring at me, as if I did something I shouldn't do. 

"Hoshigaki-san, can I rest? I don't have any chakra left and my arm is fractured."


"Thank you!"

After a quick bow, I walked over to the nearest tree and made myself comfortable. I wondered why it was easy to convince him. But that thought was pushed away to the back of my mind because sleep overtook my mind.  


So Niji(虹) means Rainbow and Shichiro(七郎) means seventh son. The Curtain village is the capital of the Land of Silence. It's from Shikamaru Hiden. Tenzō is Yamato. Kō is a character from Itachi Shinden: Book of dark night. And his mask is a cow's because it means cow in Danish. Inari is Yūgao Uzuki. Inari is a food and also is a fox god. Sugaru is a root member from Itachi Shinden: Book of Bright Light.  

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