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"So, think you can do that?"

"I believe so..."


Standing up, I open the inventory and take a presence suppressant seal out. Once in my hands, I apply it to my right arm. As I form my hands into the required sign, Rumi flies in front of me.

"Are you sure you want to go through with the plan?"


With that, I complete the required hand sign and disappeared from the naked eye. But unlike a normal person that will run out of the house, I head to the kitchen. Why? To get food of course. Fishing the last scroll out of the inventory, I open it as I head to the kitchen. Once there, I head to the shelf and shove the food that fell out of the bag into it before sealing it in the scroll. I then look around for another bag to put some of the other food in. Once I found a bag, shoved food in it before sealing it in the scroll. Once I closed the scroll, I placed it back in my inventory before heading out of the house.

Walking down the street I take in the scenery. The old lady that used to give me a piece of candy if I went grocery shopping at her shop. The mother of three that owns the clothing store. The twins that sometimes came over to watch us when we were little. The girl that helped Hatsu at the shop. And many more. As I walked by, I knew I was going to miss home. I'll miss the people I didn't bother remembering names. But I won't miss the males. They were an ass.

I hurry through the streets and head to the cave. If I continued walking, I know I'm going to start regretting it. Regret not remembering the names of the people that were soon fated to die. Muttering silent apologizes under my breath, I ran. Ran to the freedom that they will never get. Once at the entrance, I jumped down the hole, not bothering to channel chakra to my legs.

Landing on my feet, I felt my foot numb from shock. Ignoring the stinging sensation present on my feet, I stand and rip the seal off of myself and discard it. Shoving all emotions to the back of my mind, I walk deeper into the cave. With each passing minute, I push the surfacing emotions to the back of mind. Reminding myself that I'm going to be a ninja. Something that doesn't need emotions. 

After some time, I stopped and stared at the pool of water in front of me. After a few more moments of staring, I quietly sigh and sit down on the cold ground. Letting my feet dip into the water I lay down. Closing my eyes, I decided to take a nap.

I woke up to a sore back and wet feet. Sitting up, I took note of the now-empty hole. Sighing, I slide off of the edge then land on a small puddle. With another sigh, I jump down the other hole. After that, I ran through the tunnel then stop before climbing the four foot something wall. I run through a tunnel once again before stopping in front of another four foot something wall. Once on top, I look out through the exit and all I could see is the setting sun and the dark ocean.

Looking down at the approximately 16-meter fall, I slightly regret choosing this place as part of my escape plan. Telling myself to suck it up, I crawl to the edge before turning and trying my best to climb down. After stabbing myself with sharp rocks, almost falling, being blinded by my hair, my foot finally contacted water. Carefully letting go, I close my eyes and mouth. For the first seconds, all I felt was the cool air rushing past my body. Then my back made contact with the ice-cold water.

Water entered through my nostrils. But I paid no heed to it. Instead, I focused on not drowning. So, as soon as my back contacted the ocean floor, I twisted my body so my feet are touching the ground. Infusing a little bit of chakra to my feet, I crouch down before jumping. Water rushed past me for a few seconds until it stopped. Slowly opening my eyes, I looked up before quickly swimming up.

Resurfacing, I cough out the water that entered my throat via the nose. After a few seconds, I take deep breaths to fill my greedy lungs full of air. Another few minutes pass and I finally calm down. Opening my inventory and take the raft out. Once out, I grab the plank of wood at the front before swinging my leg up onto the logs. I struggle for a few minutes but get up on the raft after swinging both legs up before pulling myself up by latching my foot in between the logs.

Once on the raft, I lay on it while heaving out a sigh. Since I was drenched head to toe with saltwater at night, so I was shivering. Clicking my tongue at my stupidity, I sit up and start wringing my skirt out first. Once it was wrinkly and moist, I started wringing my hair out. Once down with my hair, I laid back down and shivered once again. As I was shivering, a notification came up so I looked up to see what it is.

[The beginning: Complete 

Quest reward: +500 EXP, System update, and System mode]

Seeing this, I shiver before smiling. Knowing that I won't be dying anytime soon, I lower my guard a little and dismiss the screen. And as I was about to close my eyes, a new notification popped up.

[Would you like to update the system?

"Yes" or "No"]


[System will start updating once you start sleeping. You will wake up once the system finishes updating.]

Closing my eyes, I wish that I don't get thrown off of the raft while sleeping.

*I'm sure no one knows what the raft looks like thanks to my horrible explanation. So, here's a picture of the raft. Image not mine. I'm sure everyone can tell.*


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