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The first thing I did after waking up was to check my status to see if my reserve was full once again. And it was. The next thing I did was check the direction I was heading. I was still heading to the land of silence. After I closed the map, I moved my arms around and cracked my neck. After a pleasant morning exercise, I took out my seals, paper, and brush.

'System, which is the even seal?'

[I am sure host can figure it out herself.]

'Ok, system is an unhelpful piece of shit. That's good to know...'

[You are aware that because of this 'Unhelpful piece of shit' you are alive.]

'... You know what? Fuck you.'

[As I said before, I believe that's not possible.]

I stared at the screen with a blank look wondering what I did to receive a system like this. But putting that matter aside I stared long and hard at the two seals in front of me. And after a few minutes, I decided to try combining the two seals. I saved and started brainstorming ways to combine the two seals.

Two ideas came to mind. One was to just place the two seals together and see what happens. Two was to get something I can place the seals on and then activate the seals. I went with the second idea. And it failed, unsurprisingly.

I placed the seals on the paper I took out along with the seals and brush. Then I tried to activate it. It worked for a few seconds before the pressure suddenly increased and ultimately exploded. The raft was broken beyond repair and half of my face was burned. I had to go back to save. Once I was back on the undamaged raft, I brainstormed once again.

I had two theories. One was that the order in which I placed the seals were erroneous. Two was that the seals were imbalanced. Since the first one was the easier theory, I went with it. And once again, it failed.

Once again, I placed the seals on the paper this time with the pressure seal first and the water tank seal after. I activated it and it didn't work at all. Nothing happened. Then a few seconds later, water slowly trickled out. That's it. So, dejectedly I went back before that happened. I really didn't want to do what I was about to do. It's time-consuming, tiring, and just difficult. What is it? Figuring out which one is an even and which one is odd. I wish the system can just tell me... Putting that problem aside, I started brainstorming.

My idea? To find the odd one and make a second one. Because you know what they say, two odds make an even. So, first I decided to make another pressure seal. If that doesn't work, then the other one.

So for the next few minutes, I was rewriting the pressure seal. It was not fun. So when I was done writing, I was just hoping that this was the odd seal. It wasn't. How did I find out? When I activated the seal and the first thing that happened was it exploded. My face, hands, chest, you name it. It burned. The raft? It was demolished.

The pain was unbearable. So I quickly went back. Once I was back, I made a mental note to never mess with pressurized liquid.

I sat there for a few moments before I started rewriting the seal. After a few minutes, I was finished. So, like the last few times, I placed it on a piece of paper with the other seals and then activated it. It worked but I had to stop after a minute because I didn't have enough chakra. But I was happy. I finally made a seal or seals that will help me go to the mainland.

I patted myself on the back and then placed the seals in the inventory before taking out a stick of Dango. I wanted to award myself with another one but then I will want more so I stopped myself. After finishing the Dango, I saved and then took out the anatomy book I received.

Unlike the anatomy book I read in the compound, this book was much more advanced. For example, the one I possess gives me detailed information about the muscles, bones, and organs. While the ones here give me detailed information on which nerves and blood vessels are good for killing. And it seemed like information about treating very curable illnesses are nonexistent. Though I think it's because of where I got the book. And now that I think about it, do nerves and blood vessel recommendations count as anatomy? Eh, who cares.

After reading a few chapters, I decided that this is enough for the day and closed the book. Once it was back in my inventory, I saved and laid down. Closing my eyes, I wished that today I will be able to sleep quicker than yesterday. And my wish was granted.

*It'snever been confirmed if every seal has that 'even', 'odd' thing. So, I'm goingto assume that it does.*

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