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Surprise surprise mother fuckers! 

It's spooky time and I decided to revive this dead fic. 

Now you guys may be thinking, "What the fuck, it's been dead for over a year and a half" or "oh ya, I forgot this thing existed" or "I don't care"

Now whatever ever thought you have is I have been contemplating if I should revive this thing and I decided a week ago that I will. I stopped updating this because of school, writer's block, procrastinating, and computer problems. It was kinda saddening because I liked writing and writing this fic made me happy but things got in the way and I stopped.

Nowadays, I started to have more freedom to do things I want and this has been in the back of my mind for the longest so I came back. Although it feels weird writing this because I didn't officially declare this fic dead but it was basically dead you know like that one pet hamster that went missing years ago and you know for sure it's dead by now. 

Ok, that was a weird analogy, probably wasn't even one.

Anyways, what I'm trying to say is that this thing isn't dead and it's being revived. 

Sooo uploading the schedule and shit. I'll be rewriting this fic from scratch so it'll probably take some time for the rewritten chapter to upload. Not sure when I can upload but I'll want to upload at least one chapter before the end of the year if not, then well as soon as possible. Once the first chapter has been uploaded, I'll try to upload at least once a month. 

I'd like to say that my writing skills have improved so perhaps the story quality will improve and I got a semi-beta reader, and depending on how fast I write and how fast they read and I might get a different beta reader so which might impact the upload schedule. So ya, that's about it. 

Not sure what else to say... 

Ok bye! 

Oh ya, I may have gotten addicted to Genshin Impact and that may also impact the upload schedule. If any of you want to add me then here's my UID -> 645371812 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2022 ⏰

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