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As I walked back home, a new notification popped up. And like the curious person I am, I opened it.

[The beginning...

Objective: Escape the island

Quest reward: +500 EXP, System update, and System mode

Quest Failure: Death

Time limit: 7 months and 2 days]

Smiling, I accepted the quest and dismissed the screen to look at the other quest.

[Then there was one...

Objective: Be one of the last two Kaguyas alive

Quest reward: +500 EXP, Anatomy(Skill), and Anatomy(Book)

Quest Failure: Death

Time limit: 7 months and 2 days]

Like the last quest, I accepted it with a smile. Humming, I headed home with a skip in my steps. And the closer I got to home the more I thoughts back to the last quest. It said, 'Last two'. Meaning, there can only be two Kaguyas left no more no less. The more I thought about the quest, the more my heartbeat quickened.

'There can only be two. Only two. Kimimaro and I. I can't bring Hatsu with me...'

The realization hit me, making my eyes go wide. I quickly opened the main menu and went to the help option to talk to the system. Once there I basically mentally shouted.

'System! Change the quest!'

[I am not allowed to do that.]

'I don't care! Change the quest so I can take Hatsu with me!'

[As I said before, I am not allowed to do that. Once a quest has been assigned, you must either complete or fail it. If you want to take Hatsu with you, then I recommend killing her yourself then taking her corpse with you.]

Hearing this, my eyes mentally widened both in surprise and disbelief. Why? The system recommended, RECOMMENDED, that I kill Hatsu. As much as I wanted to join the Akatsuki and do things that are considered illegal, I'm still human. A kid if the system forgot.

'How can you be so heartless!'

[I am a system. I do not have a heart, nor emotions. I recommended killing Hatsu because you wanted to bring her with you. If you do not, then she will be killed by Kiri nin when they enter the compound. Besides, you can use Edo Tensei to bring her back. Even if she doesn't really count as alive. With your knowledge, you can probably make a seal that will bring her back to life. Permanently.]

'A seal to bring her back?'

[Yes. Study the Edo Tensei. Study the Kishō Tensei. Study the Rinne Tensei. Then bring her to back life. It'll be easy with me on your side. You will be able to achieve many great things. Just do the quest. Alright?]

'If I really do the quest will I be able to bring her back?'

[Yes. All you need to do is study other similar seals. And then you'll bring her back. If you try, you can bring your mother and father back. What do you say?]

'Well... Since you are the smarter of the two of us. I'll take your word for it.'

As I ended the conversation, I felt like something was wrong. But as usual, I ignored the feeling and headed home with a solemn look plastered on my face.

⇴ ⇴ ⇴      

I opened my eyes as the birds sang outside. Sitting up I stretch my sore body. Since the day I accepted the quest, I spent more time with Hatsu and spent less time training. Because of that, my progress began to slow down but I paid no heed.

'Today's the day...'

Standing up, I started gathering everything I needed and wanted to bring it into one pile. The pile consisted of the fūinjutsu and history book, clothes, my seals, my notes, ink, and brush. I then took out a storage seal I made a few months ago from my inventory. Opening the scroll, that had the storage seal attached to it, I brought each item to the scroll and sealed it inside. Once everything was inside, I stored the scroll in my inventory.

Heaving out a sigh, I exited the bedroom and headed to the kitchen. Once I got to the kitchen, Hatsu greeted me with a smile and I smiled back. Quickly turning to the food on the table I pushed the butterflies in my stomach down. Deep down where I won't feel it for a while. Shoving the food down my stomach, I almost choked but luckily didn't.

Placing the plate in the sink, I close my eyes to make sure Hatsu is not near me. Once I was sure she wasn't, I headed to the shelf to grab some food. On the shelf were three rice balls, two packs of Dango, and a can of rice cakes. Grabbing a pack of Dango and a rice ball, I put them in my inventory. Once the food was in my inventory, I looked from my presence suppressant seal. Once found, I took one out and applied it to myself. Once applied, I did the required hand sign and waited for the familiar feeling wash over me. After a few moments, I walked out of the house and headed to the cave.     

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