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Standing in front of the cell, I mentally apologize before taking the seal off. Sitting down on the ground, I stop concealing my chakra.


Looking up from his knees, he stares at me before sending me a smile which I send one back. While he was heading to the bars, I opened the inventory up and took the food out. Once he was by the bars, I handed him the food and watched as he took his time eating.

"Today your heading to the mist, right?"

He stopped eating and looked at me with his indifferent façade. Taking note of my serious look, he nods before going back to eating.

"Be safe."

Without looking at me, he nods. Seeing his response, I stood up and reapplied the seal on myself. Walking out of the cave I whisper another apology.

⇴ ⇴ ⇴ 

Looking out of the window I sigh in irritation. Why? I'm waiting for Hatsu to come home. After a few more minutes, I hear the front door open. Standing up, I head to the kitchen. When I enter the kitchen, Hatsu was placing the groceries on the shelf. Making my footsteps audible, I walk up to her.

"What's for dinner, grandma?"

"I was thinking about fish and miso." She answered without turning around.


Opening my inventory, I take out the knife and a black scroll I had stored. Quietly my breath quickens and the butterflies from this morning comes back up. And this time, I didn't push them down. I let them travel up my stomach, up to my esophagus, then right out of my mouth. Though nothing came out of my mouth, it felt like a swarm of butterflies flew out of my mouth. Right after that feeling washed over me, the system calmed me down with the gamer's mind. Once I calmed down, I took a step forward. That step felt heavy. Heavy, like an elephant. But like every other feeling, I ignored it.

"Hey, grandma."


Once she opened her mouth to respond, I shove the scroll into her mouth sideways. In her moment of shock, I kicked the back of her knee. Hard. Making her slightly unbalanced. Once she registered what happened, she started struggling. With the knife, I quickly slit her throat. Hoping that it's not that painful. Once I slit her throat, she struggled. Hands reached for her neck, probably trying to stop the bleeding, which she failed to. Because before her hands could reach her neck, she stopped moving. Drowned in her own blood.

Taking the scroll out of her mouth, I let go of her body. Swiftly, I moved the scroll to the left to let the blood on it paint the wall. For a few moments, I watch the blood run down the wall. Slowly, but quickly. Looking down at Hatsu's dead body, I felt something warm running down my cheeks. Gritting my teeth, I let it run for a few moments before wiping it. Crouching down, I set the knife down on the pool of blood before opening the scroll. Placing my left hand on the seal, I feel more tears run down my cheek. After wiping them away once again, I place my right hand on Hatsu's back. After coating her with my chakra, I direct it to the scroll.

"I'm sorry."

As I say that she disappears, and my hand hits the floor. I stay there for a few minutes, feeling the cooling blood beneath my hand. Lifting my hand up, I let the blood drip down to the pool. After a few moments, I start rerolling the scroll before putting it back in my inventory. Picking the knife up, I stand up and head to my room. Once in the doorway, I blankly stare ahead before swiping the knife to the right to get rid of the blood. Once the previously beige colored walls were splattered with blood, I placed the knife in the inventory. I then proceeded to touch the floor near my foot with my bloodied hand. Once I was sure a handprint was there, I moved my hand back, creating a trail of blood.

Lifting my hand up I took a look at my art. It looked like I tried to stop someone from dragging me away. After staring at it for a few moments, I heave out a sigh and bit my left hand then do the required hand signs for the summoning Jutsu. Placing my hand on the ground and a puff of smoke appears above my hand. I wait a few moments for the smoke to clear. Once the smoke clears in front of me was Rumi. She flew around me then around the wall painted with blood before landing on my hand that's still on the ground.

"What happened here?" She asked with worry clearly evident in her tone.

"I killed Hatsu."

"Um... Congratulations?" Noting that she sounded confused, I decided to fill her in.

I told her about the raid to Kiri. How the clan will be massacred. I also told her that I will be heading to the mainland today. While I was telling her that, I had to twist somethings so I don't mention the system. Instead, I told her that I read a scroll that gave me the ability to know the future. She really didn't buy the know-the-future thing, but I really didn't care.

"So, what does that have to do with you summoning me?"

"I was going to get to that... Anyways, do you have experience with acting?"

"As far as I recall, no."

"Well for this... Request. You will need to act. Since you don't have a face, I don't have to worry about facial expressions or tears. You just need to sound sad."

"I need to sound sad?"

"Yes, I just said that not even five seconds ago."

"I'm just making sure... But yes, I can try."

"Good, here's the plan..."

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*Base by emo-is-not-a-fashion on Deviantart

For the love of Jashin, I can't draw people. I can draw clothes and other stuff but I can't draw people. So here you all go, I used a base and drew Kanna. I suck. Lol  

Oh, and sorry for killing Hatsu off. But don't worry, I'll revive her. Probably.* 

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