Part 1

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Little sprinkles it has officially begun!!

**Gulf's POV**

**A Month Later**

Things have been quite peaceful lately, Mew has been slightly less busy ever since the business deal was approved but now he was on standby for whenever anything was messed up at the job sights. I didn't mind it too much but I kind of miss him again. Thankfully he has taken the entire weekend off and told the company that he wouldn't come into work until Monday.

So as of right now we are using that time as best as we can, While I was sleeping this morning Mew had put down a whole bunch of plastic in the nursery and started to put some shelves up. Of course I'm not really sure how much of that he had planned to be a surprise because as soon as the drill went off I woke up from the noise.

It was loud and annoying, how was I not going to wake up?

Thankfully he had taken a little break after finishing the shelving and we were able to watch a movie that we had been waiting to watch together but never had the time to.

Not really surprised we had both ended up passing out half way through it from the exhaustion of all the work we do every single day.

Now that we were awake again, we figured it would be a good idea to try and get as much of the nursery done as we could. There was no telling of when our next free day would be in the next 2 months before the child was born but we were determined to be done by then.

Mew: He comes up behind me to hold my waist as he rests his head on my shoulder and peers into the bedroom since I was standing in the doorway. "What color do you want to paint it? I bought three colors not really knowing which one to choose."

Gulf: I look down at the bins that were in the corner that had the color label on it and point to the far right one. "I like the yellow one. I know it is kind of a bright color but I could draw and paint flowers on the walls, I think it would be cute. I really enjoyed the idea of sunflowers when Gun told us about his proposal surprise from Off. Maybe I could draw sunflowers along the top and bottom trim."

Mew: He kisses my cheek before closing his eyes. "I like the sound of that, whenever they are born, they can be our sunflower. The source of our energy and determination to keep moving forward. At the same time though we can be there source of life and happiness." He moves his arms from my waist and then pushes me against the door frame as he blocks my path with both arms like he always enjoys doing and leans down to kiss me softly before deepening the kiss. "We are going to make such an adorable little family, I can't wait."

Gulf: It took everything in me to gently push him away as I sneakily dip down and walk into the bedroom. "Our family is already adorable but I do know they will complete it. Now if you don't mind I think it is time we actually paint and not just stare at it on the floor."

I couldn't help but laugh as he pouts and walks over to the paint like a child before popping it open with a dip stick. It was a good thing that we had decided to change our clothes first because I am definitely not the cleanest painter.

To prove my point, we were about three fourths of the way done and Mew decided it would be a good idea to scare me as I was trying to get the top of the wall without touching the ceiling and I kind of spinned around as paint splashes everywhere from my rolling brush. I was trying to keep a straight face as a look of shock is planted on his face. He was currently covered in little yellow paint polka dots.

Not wanting to cause a paint war I silently turn back around toward the wall as I begin to grin to myself and try to finish what I was working on.

Mew: He takes his paint brush and rolls it up my back like a child. "Now were twins."

Gulf: I couldn't believe that he literally just painted my back like a wall, I slowly try to bend and look at my back but it was pointless. Trying to be stealthy I turn around and attempt to get his arm with my brush but he moves out of my way. "Stay still."

Conflicted Hearts - RA Sequel (completed) 18+Where stories live. Discover now