Part 20

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**Gulf's POV**

Ever since Mew got home three days ago from the office he has been acting a little weird.

To start, he was really drunk when he stumbled into the house that night and then he was super clingy to me until he fell asleep. Once he had woken up in the middle of the night he decided to wake me up with a blowjob and then we had sex for almost 3 hours.

Then he was clingy the entire next day and didn't want to do anything but watch movies and cuddle on the couch.

Yesterday wasn't as weird because once he got home from work he was exhausted so we ate dinner and had sex once again. Which was a little different because he wanted to do it while we were swimming in our pool in the backyard. Sooo it was kind of hot having sex outside, not going to lie...

But today he seemed even more off than usual, like he was acting happy when we were in the shower after we woke up but he keeps spacing out with a sad look on his face. This entire time I have decided to put the accident behind me as long as I have Mew by my side. I don't care if the whole world is against me as long as he continues to love me.

Being worried and paranoid was only eating me up inside and I no longer want to watch Mew be stressed and worried from my behavior.

I hope that sad expression leaves his face soon, I miss seeing his real smile.

As of right now we were just lying in bed cuddling because he didn't have to go to the office since it was Saturday.

He was rubbing my head as he kisses my cheek because I was laying against his chest while I sit in between his legs. I couldn't explain it but being so close to him lately after not being able to have time for each other for so long kind of made me hornier than usual. I was about to see if he wanted to do it again because I wanted to feel him on top of me, I always feel the safest when he's loving me.

Gulf: I glance up at him. "Can we..."

Mew: He looks at me with a small grin on his face. "Would you like to go shopping for the nursery today? We still need to get all of the curtains, toys and small things."

Gulf: I play with the fingers of his hands feeling a tiny bit disappointed that I wasn't able to ask him what I wanted to but I knew that doing that would be more productive than fucking all day again. I let out a small sigh before smiling at him. "That sounds like fun."

Mew: His smile wavered for a second probably thinking I didn't notice before he waits for me to get up so we could both get dressed. "There aren't a lot of things that we need but I think we should use this time we have together wisely so that the baby will have a completed room when it gets here..."

Gulf: I thought his words sounded a little funny but I understood what he meant. It would be good to get this done while we have the time. "When does the store close?"

Mew: He looks down at his watch and smiles. "It's only 1 right now so we have at least 4 hours before the store closes, I will never understand why it closes so early in this town but there's not really much we could do about that."

Gulf: I just nod my head as I pull some clothes out of the closet for the two of us before kissing him softly and heading for the kitchen. "Should we eat before or after we leave?"

Mew: He walks in and pulls some cups out of the cabinet for us before smiling at me. "Maybe we should eat out after we get everything we need from the store."

Gulf: "Sounds good."


The drive to the store was more quiet than usual and I held his hand the entire time until we had to get out of the car. 

Conflicted Hearts - RA Sequel (completed) 18+Where stories live. Discover now