Part 14

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**Perth's POV**

Perth: Whispering under my breath as I walk down the hallway to Mrs. Kim who was a middle aged woman that was looking after her daughter while she got surgery done on her knee. "Show off..."

I was still pissed off since yesterday and I have been trying to calm down and put all of my thoughts into my work but even as I'm helping my patients all I can think about was him in the operation room yesterday with Mrs. P.


Where the fuck did he get the nerve to ask me about Kaownah of all people, yes I know that the nurses in this hospital like to gossip but everyone that knows me knows that, that is a forbidden word here.

He deserved a few more punches to the face if you asked me...

Not surprisingly at all, everyone was amazed by his performance and automatically started to give him there hard procedures when he's only been here for one day.

Do none of the doctors have any pride in their work or what?

Tong told me that it was normal and that I should try to give him a chance to show me the other side of him but I don't think I want to see that side. He just seems like an arrogant asshole to me.

As I walk into the room I give Mrs. Kim a big smile as I walk over to her daughter and check all of her vital signs.

Perth: "Good afternoon miss Mila, how are you feeling today?"

Mila: She smiles widely at me before pointing at her mom. "I'm feeling great, my leg doesn't hurt too badly today and my mom just told me that she's going to get me a kitty when I get home."

Perth: I sit down in the chair next to her as I examine her leg. "Well that's really nice of her, do you have any ideas of what color you want it to be?"

Mila: She scrunches her face up in a thinking face before laughing. "I think I want an orange one so I can call him tiger."

Perth: I was trying not to laugh as I continue. "That sounds like a very grownup name, are you going to take good care of it?"

Mila: She throws her arms open wide. "I'm going to love it this much."

Perth: "Hmmm, that does seem like an awful lot."

Mila: She starts to laugh. "Do you love anything this much?"

Perth: My hands stopped working for a second as I tried to compose myself before continuing. "I-I do, I love it so much that I would do anything for it to come back."

Mila: She frowns: "Where did it go?"

Perth: I point up with a sad smile. "To heaven."

Mila: "That's so sad."

Perth: I nod my head as I move my hands from her knee and check her vitals one last time. "It is a sad but after time goes by you learn to appreciate the little things. So don't take that kitty for granted okay? Show it all the love you have and let it grow up to be big and strong."

Mila: She smiles with a nod before looking at her mom. "I promise."

Perth: I rub her head playfully as she giggles before I look at her mom. "She seems to be all right, if there are any issues. Don't be afraid to give me a call."

Mrs. Kim: "Thank you Doc."

I just nod my head before exiting the room.

That had fixed my mood quiet a lot as I head to the elevator to go to the 3rd floor where the staff room was. It was currently 7:30 which meant it was almost time for me to go home.

Conflicted Hearts - RA Sequel (completed) 18+Where stories live. Discover now