Part 17

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**Mew's POV**

Thankfully after our little conversation yesterday Gulf seems to be doing a lot better.

He was actually smiling for once and right now he was reading a book while I was making lunch. What I had said was still true but I did have worries. I had no intention of speaking my worries though because he really didn't need that on his plate right now.

Mew: As I was plating our food an idea formed in my head and I began to smile. "Hey babe, when were done eating do you want to go to the book store with me? I've noticed that you have started to reread things that you already finished."

Gulf: He looks up from his book as he starts to smile while I set the table. "Really? You don't mind being stared at in public?"

Mew: Yes... "No, I think that it can help us become stronger. Plus I miss going outside with you, maybe we can go out to eat on the way home."

Gulf: He sets his books down as he heads over to the kitchen table. "Were about to eat right now and all you can think about is food."

Mew: "Hey food is a good way to get nutrition."

Gulf: He raises his eyebrow at me like I had just asked him to a challenge. "Good way to get nutrition huh?" He walks over to where I was sitting and then sits in my lap before wrapping his arms around my neck. "You know there are some other good ways to get nutrition, much more fun ways."

Mew: Now it was my turn to raise an eyebrow, I was very interested in what he was about to say. "Oh really, would you like to demonstrate this for me."

Gulf: He leans down to softly suck on my lower lip before grinning. "Maybe after lunch I'll give you some pointers."

I wasn't fully sure where this side of him came from but I was all for it, I had missed being intimate with him and taking a bath together last night is not what I had in mind but it was enough.

He climbs out of my lap and then winks before sitting in his seat to start eating. It took me a few minutes to be able to actually function normally again as I just stare at him out of the corner of my eye while eating.

I think we were both a little too excited though because in the matter of 10 minutes we had finished eating and cleaning up the kitchen when he disappears into the bedroom.

When I pushed open the door I couldn't help but laugh, he was currently only wearing one of my oversized shirts and from what I could see there was no boxers on at the moment.

Starting to feel even more excited than before I pull my shirt over my head as I head to the bed before unbuckling my belt and then pulling my pants off my legs. I forgot how hot he looked when he tried to wear my shirts, he's tiny in my clothes and its cute.

Gulf: He was grinning at me with his arms open as I crawl onto the bed before plopping on top of him. "All jokes aside, I really missed you..."

Mew: I lean down to rub my nose against his as he closes his eyes before I leaned down to kiss his neck. "I missed you too."

I was currently working on a trail of hickeys against his neck as I push one hand under his shirt to grip his hip in my hand. It was very noticeable that he was excited because his skin was hot against my hands and it made me want him even more.

Wanting to be a little mean I move my hips between his legs as I press my clothed member against his bare one and watch as his eyes pop open. I couldn't help but grin as I playfully start to grind against him as I lean down to bite his lower lip. He lets out a small moan of pleasure as I grip his thigh to hold him down in place to continue my playful torture of teasing.

Conflicted Hearts - RA Sequel (completed) 18+Where stories live. Discover now