Part 4

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**Gulf's POV**

There was something nostalgic about staying at Gun's parents' house. I guess the elevator In Gun and Off's apartment was still broken so they didn't want us to stay there.

Mew and Gun had left earlier this morning to go hang out at one of their old gaming places. Off and I had to pass because it just wasn't something we were that interested in. 

After that Gun was going to show him around his studio where he designs clothes, so they're going to be gone for the majority of the day. 

Which was okay, I was currently hanging out with Off by the pool in the back yard because we had gotten bored staying inside since 8 this morning and it was already 3 in the afternoon. 

We were both reading a book while wearing sunglasses cause it hot sunny but cool outside. 

Yep we're that boring.

Off: He sets down his book in front of him and looks over at me. "Hey can I ask you something?"

That kind of surprised me a little bit but I wasn't going to ignore him.

Gulf: I set my book down and walk over to where he was sitting. "Sure what's up?"

Off: He lets out a deep breath before continuing. "I wanted to know what the steps were like?"

Gulf: Feeling confused. "What steps?"

Off: Rolling his eyes. "The uh steps for adoption..."

Gulf: I could feel my eyes bugging out of my head. "Are you and Gun thinking of having a baby too?!?!"

Off: He begins to panic and waves his hands back and forth like a mad man. "NO, NO, NO. I just wanted to know because Gun is always looking at little kids when we go out somewhere like to dinner or the movies. I think he wants one but he won't say anything because I let it slip once that I didn't want to have kids."

Gulf: Still feeling a little confused. "So you've changed your mind then?"

Off: He lets out a sigh and then lays back down. "Never mind, it was a stupid question."

Gulf: I lean over to stare at him until he was uncomfortable. "No its not, tell me what's going on."

Off: "I don't know if I want kids or not, I just figured it would be a good idea to learn about the progress that way if I wanted to be able to share that with him I would be able to without looking stupid because I don't know what I'm doing."

Gulf: "Why don't you talk to Gun about this though? I feel like he would much rather you two learn about it together than having me tell you."

Off: "Are you sure about that?"

Gulf: "Have you been living on a different planet? Off that guy just became your husband and he is crazy about you, just talk to him about it. Okay?"

Off: He lets out a groan before covering his face with his arm. "I guess you're right."

Not wanting his mood to go down since he was supposed to be happy right now I did something I knew I was going to regret later but decided that it was going to be worth it.

Taking one of the ice buckets for wine last night I go over to the pool, fill it up and then dump it on top of Off.

Off: I was trying so hard not to laugh as he shoots up from his seat shivering before he laughs darkly and yells. "YOUR FUCKING DEAD."

I booked it across the yard with him chasing me as I laugh like a maniac. My one mistake was that I forgot how Off use to run track in middle school because he was fast. 

Next thing I know I have him barreling into me and we both tip into the pool with a giant splash.

The water was fucking colddd!

Off: He comes up from the water laughing as he swims over to the edge of the pool. "Thanks."

Gulf: I was glad he could see what I was trying to do as I swim over to him and rest my head on the his shoulder. "Of course, don't forget that I'm always here. I know that things are rough but you're not alone."

Off: He lets out a sigh. "I know that, I just forget that I can actually talk to Gun. I've been with him for years but I still feel like he's going to slip through my fingers."

Gulf: I nudge his side with my elbow. "Don't worry, he's not going anywhere."

Off: He was silent for a second before resting his head against mine. "I miss them Gulf..."

Gulf: "I do too but I've come to realize that time moves on and we cant tare ourselves apart just because there gone." I had to double think about what I said next but I knew he needed to hear it. "I know you hate Perth but can you see what Kaownah's death did to him? Perth is a mess and a shell of the person he used to be. You might not want to admit it but no matter how much we are hurting right now, Perth feels it 10 fold."

Off: He scrunches up his face in frustration. "I don't get it though, why should I forgive him?"

Gulf: "Let me rephrase it this way, if Gun was to die one day. Who do you think it would affect more, his childhood friends or the person that loved him with all of his heart to where he would do anything for him just to get him back even if it was just for one hour."

Off: "..."

Gulf: "I'm just saying that yes we are hurting but we never planned on growing old with him and wanting a family with him. So can you please stop hating Perth."

Off: Looking conflicted. "I know he didn't do it on purpose, but I don't know if I can."

Mew: Coming from behind us. "Please Off..."

Off: We turn around to see Gun and Mew sitting at the edge of the pool with their legs dangling in the water. "When did you guys get here?"

Mew: "That's not important right now." He lets out a sad sigh. "Perth will never admit it but I know that your hatred for him hurts him a lot."

Off: "He deserves it."

Mew: "Does he really though or are you feeling guilty because you weren't there to save him. It was an accident Off, believe me I know, I actually was there and I wasn't able to save him. It's time to let it go..."

That seemed to shut him up as he turns back around and glares at the trees in the yard.

Gulf: I leave Off there and swim over to where Mew and Gun were sitting as I rest my head on this left thigh. "Hi babe. Did you guys have fun?"

Off: He rubs my head. "It was nice, I forgot that place was here, its been forever since I visited his home town."

Gun: His frown disappears as he starts to smile from excitement. "Yea it was a lot of fun, I haven't been to an arcade since we were kids and then Xing was ogling over how handsome Mew was. I thought it was funny she didn't notice him last night."

Gulf: I raise an eyebrow at Mew. "Oh really now?"

Mew: He just shrugs his shoulders in mock innocence. "I don't know what he's talking about, Gun kept pulling clothes on me and they were getting itchy."

Gun: He smacks Mew's arm. "Take that back, my clothes are not itchy."

Mew: He rubs his shoulder. "Okay, okay not itchy, just uncomfortable."

I couldn't help but start to laugh as Gun punches him again.

They kept bickering back and forth and I found it kind of cute.

After some time, Off actually came over and joined us as we all just talked about random things but mostly about work until our skin got all wrinkly from the chlorine.

Now that I'm here I realized that I missed the two of them more than I thought I did.

I really hope they don't shut us out again...

Conflicted Hearts - RA Sequel (completed) 18+Where stories live. Discover now