Part 6

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**Perth's POV**

Tong: He walks up to me with a smile as he sets down a water bottle by my arm. "I heard the surgery was a success. I'm glad I decided to let you do some of my cases, honestly I was a little worried about that one."

Perth: I just shrug my shoulders as I flip a page in the book I'm reading. "There's no need to sound so excited about it I was just doing my job. If you need some pointers on how to not be nervous with those types of surgery I can help you study it."

Tong: He sits down next to me and looks over my shoulder at what I was reading. "Is that what you're doing right now?"

Perth: "Yea, when I complete one I like to go back and see if there was anything else I could have done."

Tong: "Do you plan on doing this all night?"

Perth: I push the book over to him and point out a section. "I wanted to stop by a book store and see if I could find anything on this. Do you want to join me?"

Tong: I could see a mixture of emotions on his face before he smiles. "You forgot didn't you?"

Perth: Feeling confused. "Forgot what?"

Tong: He gives me a sad smile. "You promised to go to my mother's birthday party tonight..."

Oh Shit...

I had completely forgotten, this morning was so busy.

Perth: I close the book and give him an apologetic grimace. "I am so sorry, I completely forgot. We got busy with all of the surgery's today and that surprise with the kid that couldn't breathe."

Tong: "It's okay, if you really don't want to go than you don't have to. I can just tell her some excuse as to why you couldn't make it, she'll understand."

Perth: Feeling a bit guilty I shake my head. "No don't worry about it, I can go. When does it start?"

Tong: He looks down at his watch. "In about an hour."

Perth: Gathering my things before standing up. "I still need to go home and change real quick."

Tong: "Want me to take you home?"

Perth: "I only live a few blocks down the street."

Tong: "Were going to go to the same place anyways, I might as well take you home and then bring you there. I would hate for you to have to take a cab there."

I knew he meant well but I've never actually let him into my place before and I didn't know how he would react to all of the little touches of Kaownah everywhere...

Perth: I just nod my head as we make our way to the locker rooms to put our stuff away before leaving. "That's fine I guess, do you mind waiting in the car while I run up?"

Tong: "If that's what makes you comfortable. I don't mind waiting."

For the first time ever, that 5 minute car ride to my condo was awkward. I could tell that it had hurt his feeling but I didn't know what I could do to fix it.

So when we got to the entrance I got out real quick without a word and speed walked into the building.

God I felt like a dick...

To make up for it I tried my best to be as quick as possible but then the next problem happened.

What the hell am I supposed to wear?..

With a frustrated groan I throw on the first thing I saw and hoped it worked. Thankfully it didn't look that bad so I shove my phone and wallet into my pockets before leaving. I wasn't really sure why but I was nervous and this really uneasy feeling kept making me want to throw up.

Conflicted Hearts - RA Sequel (completed) 18+Where stories live. Discover now