Part 13

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**Mew's POV**

I couldn't understand why he can't just tell me about the sleeping medication he's been taking. I understood now that it wasn't me causing him this much pain but he could have told me about the stress he was getting at work because it was the final weeks of classes.

Mew: I wanted to ask him about the medication but I didn't want to upset him this early in the morning so I just stayed quiet about it before letting out a sigh and kissing his forehead. "I-It's okay, you should head to work now. You're going to be late if you don't leave soon."

Gulf: He kisses my cheek with a sad smile. "Are you sure you're okay?"

Mew: I just nod my head before turning around to finish his coffee, I didn't want him to see my worry as I lie. "I'm okay." After my hands stopped shaking I hand him his coffee with the best smile I could muster right now. I wanted to be his strength. "Don't go buying coffee at the shop anymore, I don't mind waking up to make it for you. I like you drinking stuff that I know what's in it."

Gulf: That was the only hint I was going to give him to tell me about it but he just smiled like he was unaware of what I meant and grabbed it from me. "Thank you."

I wanted to protest but I decide against it once again and just follow him out of the house before giving him a soft kiss.

Within minutes he was out of the drive way and heading down the street toward the school.

Honestly, now that I was off of work for a week I had no idea what to do with myself but I knew that I really needed to find that medication or it was going to drive me insane.

So that's what I spent the last hour doing but like I expected there was nothing to be found.

Feeling even more frustrated then I did when I woke up I begin to put everything back and then head for the shower. I need to wash myself in cold water to calm down or I might throw something...

I was in the middle of turning on the water when I could hear my phone ringing from the bedroom.

Thinking that it might be Gulf I turn off the water, wrap a towel around my waist and walk into the bedroom before my phone turned off.

Mew: Too my annoyance it was just Steve and now I kind of wanted to strangle him. "What is it?"

Steve: Sounding worried. "HAVE YOU SEEN IT!!"

Mew: Ahh, I pulled the phone away from my ear for a second as they rang from the sudden shouting. "There's no need to yell Steve, what are you talking about?"

Steve: "..."

Mew: Not having patience for this. "If you don't tell me what you called me for I'm going to hang up."

Steve: "Mew it's everywhere, the video was leaked from the school website and its reaching thousands of views."

Mew: Feeling confused. "Seriously what are you talking about?"

Steve: He starts to mumble to himself. "I swear if you just looked at your news feed a little more often you would be in tuned with what's going on around you."

Mew: "STEVE!!"

Steve: "Sorry... Well I don't really want to tell you, it would be better if you saw it yourself. Do you have your computer near you?"

Mew: "Yea it's in the living room."

Steve: "Okay, I want you to log into your computer and then pull up the school that Gulf teaches at. You should be able to find it from there."

Mew: Still feeling really confused and a little annoyed I head into the living room and do what he says. "I really don't see what the point of this is."

Conflicted Hearts - RA Sequel (completed) 18+Where stories live. Discover now