Part 5

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**Mew's POV**

Yesterday was bugging me but there wasn't anything I could do about it, that matter is between Off and Perth. I've already said what I wanted to say and now it's up to them if they want to work things out.

Gun's mom had gone to the store last night so she was currently making this giant breakfast feast and now I'm scared that she won't stop cooking. There's already enough here to feed a small army.

Gulf: He reaches from under the table to rub my thigh as he leans in to whisper in my ear. "Calm down."

I turn to reply but he just shakes his head and points at the food. I let out a frustrating sigh forgetting how he was really good at being bossy sometimes.

We were about half way done with the ridiculous spread of food that was on the table when my phone begins to ring.

Mew: Everyone was staring at me as I take a small bow to apologize before standing up and walking out of the kitchen to answer the call. "Hello?"

Steve: "Boss, before you say anything, I know you requested for the entire weekend off but we really need you down here."

Mew: I let out a frustrated sigh as I pace back and forth in there hallway. "Whatever it is can't be that bad, I double checked everything before I left, cant it just wait until tomorrow?

Steve: "Uhm well you see the thing is, you know the new guy?"

Mew: "Yea the guy that started last Wednesday right?"

Steve: "Yea that guy."

Mew: "Just get straight to the point, what did he do Steve?"

Steve: He begins to laugh nervously. "He kind of mixed up some documents. The finalized documents that were supposed to be sent out to the company that we just got the partnership with ended up going in the shredder..."

Mew: I could feel my blood beginning to boil. "HE DID WHAT?!?"

Steve: "I-if we don't get those papers resigned and sent to the company, the deal could be called off..."

Mew: "Shit..."

Gulf: He comes up behind me and kisses my shoulder. "Babe is everything okay?"

Mew: I pull the phone from my ear and rest my head against his. "Yea, just some new guy messed up really important documents and now we need to go home early or the company won't be able to keep our contract."

Gulf: He gives me a reassuring smile before kissing me softly and heading toward the stairs. "I'll go pack, you get everything settled."

Mew: "Wait, you're not upset I have to cut our trip short?"

Gulf: He shakes his head. "No I'm not upset. A little disappointed maybe but not upset. I understand that accidents happen every once in a while."

Mew: I mouth a thank you at him before putting the phone back to my ear. "I'm back, when do the papers have to be sent in?"

Steve: "Uhm 5 hours I think."

Mew: I begin to rush upstairs to help Gulf pack as I continue to talk on the phone. "Okay, Gulf and I are packing right now and then well leave. I need you to get the team and make me a new set of documents so that I can sign them as soon as I get there and then we can scan them in."

Steve: "Yes Boss. Sorry we had to cut your mini vacation short."

Mew: "It's fine, I understand that the company is my responsibility so if I need to get back to it than that's what I got to do."

Conflicted Hearts - RA Sequel (completed) 18+Where stories live. Discover now