Part 12

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**Gulf's POV**

Mew refuses to look me in the eye since I've woken up and I don't know how to talk to him about it.

I don't even know what happened myself but he continues to ask me what happened and all I can tell him was that I was teaching Lee and then I felt sleepy and passed out. No matter how many times I told him this though he wouldn't stop looking at me like I was lying to him and It hurt.

The entire time I was trying to get ready for work I could feel him staring at the back of my head and it was beginning to piss me off. If he wants to say something to me then why won't he just say it?

Gulf: I was currently brushing my teeth. "Aren't you going to get ready for work?"

Mew: Sounding a little hollow. "No I took a week off, I'll be home when you get back... Don't fall asleep at work anymore okay?"

Gulf: "Wait, you took a week off? Why?"

Mew: He just shrugs his shoulders before getting off the bed leaving the room. "I felt like I haven't been home enough, I want to be here for you."

Be here for me?

What the hell is he talking about?

I spit the tooth paste into the sink before rinsing and then walking out of the bathroom to finish getting ready.

Does he think I'm upset because he's been working so hard?

I let out a frustrated sigh as I pull my backpack on before joining Mew in the kitchen. When I got there he was making coffee for me and I couldn't help but feel a little bad.

I'm not mad at you Mew...

Don't worry I just need to last a few more weeks and then I can go back to the way I use to act. I'm not trying to push you away, I promise. I just don't want you to worry about me.

Feeling a little guilty I wrap my arms around his waist and rest my head against his shoulder as I let out a little sigh of relief.

Gulf: As long as he wants me in his arms like this I can get through anything. "I know finding me at work passed out must have scared you yesterday and I'm really sorry but I don't want you to worry about me. I'm okay, it's just been a little rough at work lately because of the end of the school year exams. There's a lot of stuff I have to teach, lots of paperwork for the end of this school year and the next one, some of my students are behind and the dean has been riding on me to make sure that I get my class back to the top 10 ranking." Which none of these were actually a lie but they didn't stress me out as much as I let on. I really didn't mind any of it but I just couldn't tell him about Max... "but if you want to take a week off and spend it with me then I won't object but I do ask for you to not put your work on hold just for me. If you need to go in at any time then don't hesitate to, okay?"

Mew: He was quiet for a little bit before I feel his hand cover mine and then he was turning around to hug me back tightly against him before he whispers. "You know I love you right? Gulf if there's anything you ever need to tell me I'll listen to you no matter what it is about. I'm your number one supporter and I wish you wouldn't hide things from me."

Gulf: I wanted to cry against his chest but I knew I would make it too obvious if I did so I try to calm down instead. "I love you Mew... I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the pressure from Work. I won't keep it from you anymore."

Mew: I could see that he didn't fully believe me and that he wanted to ask me something but it seemed like he changed his mind because he lets out a sigh before kissing my forehead. "I-It's okay, you should head to work now. You're going to be late if you don't leave soon."

Conflicted Hearts - RA Sequel (completed) 18+Where stories live. Discover now