Part 8

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**Gulf's POV**

It was currently 6 in the morning and I was sitting on the couch sipping coffee while Mew slept. Yesterday I had passed out from anxiety after finishing the nursery and then I woke up in bed around 3 in the morning. Mew was passed out next to me when I woke up and I didn't want to wake him up if I didn't have to so I grabbed my clothes for work and my backpack before closing the bedroom door.

I haven't been sleeping that well lately because things at work haven't been going that well but I haven't been able to tell Mew about it.

I didn't want to worry him.

When I had gone to the office to transfer Max there wasn't a class available for him to switch too so I was stuck with him in my class. It's been almost every day now where he will come up to my desk after class and try to get my phone number, ask for tutoring sessions, or trying to come on to me. It was a little unsettling but I just needed to deal with it for a few more weeks and then the new classes start.

Every day I come home a little more drained than the last and I don't want to worry Mew. He works so hard and I don't want to distract him from what he has to do.

It's just a few more weeks...

On another note though, I was able to finish the nursery when he was working yesterday so now I have one less thing to worry about.

I really hope it's a girl, It would be a refreshing change from having only guys in the house.

Apparently I was so lost in thought while staring into my coffee that I hadn't even noticed Mew coming out of the bedroom.

Mew: He was wrapped in the blanket as he comes over to the couch like a little child, pulls my coffee out of my hands and then pulls me into his arms as he cuddles up to me on the couch. "How long have you been awake? It's only 6:30 in the morning."

Gulf: I give him the best smile I can as I kiss him softly before lying. "I just woke up a few minutes ago. I didn't want to wake you up until your alarm went off so I just got ready before hand."

Mew: He gives me a little pout. "You know you don't have to do that, I would have happily woken up with you."

Gulf: "Yea right, your sleep is precious. Didn't you fall asleep in your office once?"

Mew: "That's not important, I think I was awake for 36 hours working on that deal so it doesn't count."

Gulf: I hold his cheek in my hand before leaning my forehead against his. "Why don't you go back to bed? I think I'm going to stop by the little breakfast place on the corner from the school before class starts."

Mew: "Are you sure you don't want me to make you breakfast?"

Gulf: "No its okay, I might just grade some papers and eat. It will be a little boring." Pulling away from him I stand up and walk toward my stuff on the kitchen counter. "I'll try to come home a little early today, the school Is letting everyone leave because of some football event."

Mew: He begins to smile from the couch. "I'll see if I can get off early and meet you. I want to make up for not being home yesterday."

Gulf: "I already said it was okay, I understand that accidents happen."

Mew: He gets up from the couch but leaving the blanket which now showed his very smooth abs since he was only wearing boxers and damn he looked good... "Let me make it up to you anyways." He pulls me to him so that we were pressed together and leans down to kiss my neck before whispering. "I want to love my husband more often."

Gulf: My breath got caught in my throat as he kisses my neck, my jaw and then the side of my lips. I didn't want to deny him even now but I really did have to go to work. "Then don't be late."

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