Part 30

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**Perth's POV**

I know it's the weekend but I ended up texting Dr. Tan anyways to see if I could work an extra shift. I really needed to get my mind off of everything. Yea the entire hospital thinks I've been sleeping with both of the Suppapong brothers and apparently now I'm the bad boy of the department and it makes me uncomfortable.

It is honestly crazy how quickly news and gossip can travel in a hospital.

Anyways, he said that it was okay for me to work over time so I'm currently getting ready before leaving. It was the evening shift so it was currently 1 in the afternoon. Usually I work much earlier but I figured that I should get some sleep since yesterday had taken a really big toll on me.

I want to apologize to both of them but I don't know what else I can say other than the things I have already said.

Double checking to make sure that I have everything I pull open my door and go to step out before stopping.

Perth: "Oh, why are you here?"

Tong: He waves sheepishly as he points inside. "Can we talk for a second."

Perth: "I kind of got permission to work over time today, my shift starts in 30 minutes."

Tong: "Can you cancel your over time? I kind of really need you to come to dinner tonight."

Perth: "Why? I thought we were done with this relationship thing."

Tong: He lets out a frustrated sigh. "I talked to Saint last night, I'm sorry for the things I said to you yesterday. I was just angry and possessive over something that wasn't really mine to begin with. I don't want to be the reason for your unhappiness anymore."

Perth: Feeling a little confused. "I'm confused."

Tong: He grabs my shoulders. "Well listen to me very carefully then because I am only going to say this once. I have excepted the fact that you are in love with my brother. I spent the entire night thinking about it and I don't want to be selfish anymore. You have been through too much to not be allowed to love the person that you actually love and that is why I want you to come to tonight's family dinner so we can talk to our parents about us breaking up and how the person you actually love is Saint."

Perth: I just stared at him blankly. "..."

Tong: Looking concerned. "Are you okay?"

Perth: I just shake my head with a small smile forming. "I'm okay, just processing..."

Tong: "well don't take too long because I really don't want to have this conversation for too much longer. Talking about my older brother being in love with my ex is just a weird conversation to have."

Perth: I couldn't help but laugh as I pull him into a hug. "Thank you Tong..."

Tong: He squeezes me tight before letting go and awkwardly looking at the floor. "Don't mention it, just make my brother happy and im happy..."

I knew it was a lie because I could see the pain written all over his face but there was nothing I could do about that now.

Perth: I pull out my phone and text Dr. Tan real quick to let him know I'm not coming in after all. "I'll make him happy, I don't intend on letting go of love twice. Once was enough for me. How do you think your parents are going to react though?"

Tong: He just shrugs his shoulders. "Honestly I have no idea but I figure that they will probably be upset until they get use to the idea of you being with him." He glances at the door before looking back at me. "By the way, I'm going to clear up all of those rumors that started yesterday. You don't deserve them no matter how upset I was with you."

Conflicted Hearts - RA Sequel (completed) 18+Where stories live. Discover now