Part 27

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**Saint's POV**

Letting out a painful groan I try to sit up from the bed as my head begins to spin.

I guess I drank a little too much last night...

The last month has been a living hell. I thought my split with Moon was bad but this literally felt like someone was doing open heart surgery while I was wide awake. We weren't even together yet and I saw him as the most precious thing I had ever discovered in my life. Now I'm spending my days avoiding him at all costs and drinking my life away at night so I can fall asleep.

I guess the good thing about him having a schedule was that I was able to know where he will be at all times so it was easy to be everywhere but the places he was...

Finally wanting to open my eyes, I squint as I look around to find my side table because apparently I like to move like a mother fucker when I'm drunk sleeping. My side table was on the other end of my bed where my phone was.

It would probably be a good idea to start getting ready for work or I'm going to be late.

Feeling like I wanted to cry because it was so bright in my room and I had a headache, I crawl over to my phone before turning It on.


It was already 2 in the afternoon, how much did I drink last night?

With an internal groan I lay back onto my bed and just stare at the ceiling. I guess I'm not going to go to work today. Everything id worked for the past three weeks gone...

Slamming my hand against my side table I ignore the pain and try to find my drawer on the side before pulling It open and glancing over at it.

Cool my vodka is still in here.

Not giving a shit anymore I begin to down it as the burning feeling down my throat becomes a familiar friend.

I don't really want to feel today, just one day won't hurt...

I had probably a fourth of the bottle before I laid back down and stared at the ceiling while silent tears fell down my cheeks.

What am I doing with my life?

I figured ignoring Perth would be easier then sneaking around with him. I came to realize that he won't end things with Tong because he feels guilty and guilt can do cruel things to a person. It will slowly eat someone up from the inside.

So I stopped giving him a reason to be guilty...

I let out a sad sigh as I close my eyes and try to bask in the feeling of this buzz that was washing over me.

Having butterfly's in the brain was sometimes some of the best feelings...

I hope Tong cherishes him for a long time, Perth deserves to be loved after everything he's been through.


I guess I had fallen back to sleep because by the time I woke up it was around 7:30 and now I was hungry as hell. It would most likely be a good idea to drink some water too or tomorrow is going to be just as bad as today.

Doesn't help that tomorrow both of our parents will be here for our monthly weekend dinner. Since our dad works so much we always make sure to have dinner together at least once a month so we can stay updated with the family.

At first I had planned on telling my family about my health condition since I wasn't actually sure how much longer I had left but now that it was so close I was scared again.

Now that I knew what It truly feels like to love someone, I'm more afraid to die than I was before.

I was currently cooking my third batch of eggs when Tong walks into the kitchen looking like someone just insulted his grandmother.

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