Part 3

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**Perth's POV**

The wedding was a success and I was proud to see Gun happily married. The only down side to coming down here was that I was right since the beginning. Coming here has opened up a box of emotions that I had been working so hard to push down the past month. I was happy for everyone but the more time I spent here, the more I was missing Kaownah with each passing minute. Throughout the ceremony I had my hands clenched for the majority of the time and I couldn't even look at Off.

When I had first arrived this morning around 12, I found out that Mew and Gulf weren't here yet so I was stuck in the house with Off, Gun and all of their relatives. In the beginning Off had come up to me and warned me not to mess anything up or think that he had forgiven me. Gun had to come over and pull him away, which is why every time the group is together Off completely ignores me like I don't exist.

Just like right now actually, Gun had come over to show his ring to Mew, Gulf and I but then Off walks up behind him and I am officially air next to Mew.

Off: "Honestly, I don't know why you chose my last name, I prefer your last name."

Gun: He just rolls his eyes at Off with a giant grin. "It doesn't matter what your last name is, I would have wanted it either way because It's yours..."

Off: He kisses Gun's head before ruffling his hair. "Such a hopeless romantic, I hope you know If we decide to ever have any kids there going to be stuck with the last name Jumpol right?"

Gun: "I know! I'm a genius right?"

He just starts to chuckle and then walks away while shaking his head without another word.

Perth: Now that Off was gone I figured it was my chance to show my support to my best friend. "Congratulations."

Gun: "Thank you, I really hope you can get married one day." All in unison everyone sucked in a breath as I try to hide the fact that his words were slowly digging a hole into my heart. "I am so sorry..."

Me too Gun, me too...

I just wish that the person I loved wasn't currently 6 feet in the ground for the past 8 years.

Perth: All I could do was try to calm myself and not cry as I put on the best fake smile I could and shake my head no. "No its okay, don't worry about it... I know you meant well."

But I knew that if I stayed there any longer I was going to break down with all of the emotions that I had kept in throughout that one day. So without another word I turn around and head for the kitchen for some fresh air without anyone looking down on me or pitying me.

I was sitting in a chair in the corner as everyone was talking to each other around me, laughing, talking and walking in or out. It was starting to get a little hectic as everyone was getting to the point where they might have been drinking a little too much. I had only been sipping one glass of wine at this point and honestly I didn't even want to finish it.

I didn't really want to be here any longer either, it was nice to see everyone and catch up but it hurt more than it helped. Mew was going to kill me tomorrow but as of right now there was only one person I wanted to see and he was 3 hours away.

With a sigh I put my unfinished glass of wine on the counter by the sink and then head for the front door where my luggage was still sitting. Originally I was planning on trying to stay until Monday as a surprise but I just can't...

Grabbing my luggage, I pull on my coat that was resting on my luggage and walk out of the door to head down the drive way to my car on the end of the block. There were so many cars here to celebrate that I didn't really want to be parked so close to everyone so before people started to arrive that weren't family I had parked it at the end of the block just to be safe.

Conflicted Hearts - RA Sequel (completed) 18+Where stories live. Discover now