Part 34

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**Perth's POV**

It was a hectic afternoon around 4ish as we try to get everything ready before getting on our 16 hour flight back home, I was currently trying to sign the discharge papers as Mai helps Saint get ready to leave. In a way I didn't want to bring him with me because I could see that he was still weak but It was obvious that he was really excited now.

All week he has surprisingly been very calm and obedient. I guess he didn't want to take any chances in me not allowing him to go because he hasn't talked back to me once.

It was kind of cute if I was being honest.

He was still trying to convince me to allow him to start working in two weeks but I'm not sure how I feel about that since I'm afraid he's going to strain himself too much. I spent 6 hours operating on him. I don't want him to mess up what I had done to fix him.

Yea I was upset with him for not telling me about his health condition but I could see why he didn't want to tell anyone. No matter what though, I have no intention of fighting with him, I just want to feel happy with him for once and introduce him to the most import person to me...

I really think Kaownah would have liked Saint. We totally didn't start off on the right foot but I intend on ending on the correct one. He really is an amazing person that I am lucky to have found.

With a happy sigh I finish up the paper work and then head to saints room but before I entered I could over hear him talking to Mai.

Saint: "Can you keep me updated on whats going on with my patients when Perth and Tong operate on them? I want to be able to start where they left off when I come back that way im not behind."

Mai: "Of course, don't worry about being behind. I'm pretty sure Mr. Suppasit will help you with anything you need help with, he's already done more for you than he has done for anyone I have ever seen him interact with in the past 5 years."

Saint: "He's really is something else isn't he?"

Mai: "You know I use to think he was kind of a cold hearted asshole when he first got here but after his dad showed up one day and got into an argument with him in the staff room. That's when all of the staff learned about him losing the one he loved at a young age and it kind of changed our perspective on things. Which is why I think that you need to be on your best behavior during this trip, he never brings anyone with him when he goes home so feel honored."

Saint: I could hear him laughing as a smile forms on my face. "You sound like a childhood friend, it's kind of funny."

Mai: "Well I never told him but I'm also from Thailand, I had gone to griffin high school with kaownah before it was shut down and we all had to transfer. I was only in the new school with everyone for around a month and a half before I moved to the united states because my father had gotten a job down here. So you see, I use to be friends with kaownah and I was in most of his classes for a while. It was always him, Gulf and Off. The three best friends that everyone knew about, you know there use to be this rumor that Kaownah was with Gulf for a while but I'm not really sure how accurate it was since the whole school practically flipped out when they found out about Kaownah and Perth. After I moved I was never updated on what had happened over there so I didn't know that Kaownah had died. When Perth showed up at this hospital 5 years ago I wasn't even sure if It was really him, at first I thought it was just a really weird coincidence but after watching him and his dad showing up I learned that it really was him. At first I thought about telling him that we use to go to school together a long time ago but I figured it was better to just keep it to myself since he was still broken from back then. I can see it now though."


Well that explains why she was so nice to me when everyone else tended to be more distant than usual after my dad showed up.

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