Part 11

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**Saint's POV**

Saint: I point at Perth's back as he walks away. "Is he okay?"

Tong: He lets out a sigh before eating his food. "No but he will be after some time. "

Saint: "Is he always like that?"

Tong: "Like what?"

Saint: "Hot tempered."

Tong: He puts down his fork as he begins to laugh. "No not really, unless he's talking about something he enjoys or is patinate about it like work or Kaownah..."

Saint: He looks down at his food like he had said something wrong. "Who?"

Tong: He just shakes his head as he gets up and gathers his things. "Never mind, I shouldn't have said anything. If you want to know you'll have to ask him."

I sat there feeling confused as he gets up and walks away.

Well the good thing was that it seemed like Perth didn't say anything to Tong about our fight last night. The bad thing is that I drank so much last night that I am actually pretty hung over at the moment. Since I woke up this morning I've had a splitting head ache but I've drank around 4 bottles of water. Thankfully it helped a little bit and the food I'm eating will also help.

Truthfully, I think I drunk called Moon at least 20 times last night and woke up to an angry voice mail and the number was disconnected when I tried to call her back to apologize. If I really wanted to I could stop by her house but I think I might just try to give her some time.

I don't even know why I'm trying to get her to talk to me, I just feel weird without her presence. She was always there for 7 years and now she's not.

It's weird...

On top of that, I'm on terrible terms with my little brothers boyfriend which is not a good thing. I didn't want to take his operation, I even tried to deny it but Dr. Tan wouldn't take no for an answer so what was I supposed to do?

I had told him that I was new and I didn't mind working from the bottom up because I understand that everyone that works there spent their lives getting to where they are now and I didn't want to take that from them but he told me that all of my colleagues from my old department called in favors to get me a test to prove that I could do what everyone else could. Which is how I got here.

I could try and tell him that I didn't want to take his operation but I don't think he would listen to me even If I did.

Apparently you accidently be an ass to someone for one night and now you have a target branded on your back as a bad guy.

I'm really not a bad guy, I swear.

It was just a hard night...

With a sigh I finish the rest of my food before heading up to the 9th floor where the surgery was being held.

I was walking out of the elevator when a very energetic woman comes up to me and bows before smiling like crazy.

Mai: "Hi! Your Dr. Suppapong right? I'm Mai, I am your assigned assistant for this surgery it's nice to meet you!!"

Saint: I only felt a tiny bit panicked at how perky she was but I smiles and bowed. "Hello Mai, I hope this goes well, please take care of me."

She beams brightly before quickly walking into the room. I was less enthusiastic as she was as I make my way into the room to see the glass window up above that allowed the other doctors to view my work. I could see Dr. Tan there but what made me nervous was Perth sitting next to him.

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